Friday, March 22, 2013

Booker T is heading to the Hall of Fame

Last Monday night on Raw the WWE announced their latest inductee to the Hall of Fame, that man was the five time WCW World Champion Booker T. The WWE is honoring him even though must of his accomplishments were achieved in their former competitors, WCW. The Bookerman has won the WCW World title five times, but he has only held the WWE World Championship title once. He has held the US title in WCW and also in the WWE. Booker T has held the IC title and the tag team titles in both companies. His character as evolved; first he hailed from Harlem, then becoming “GI Bro” and finally becoming the King of the Ring. Now he is the general manger of SmackDown.

I have never seen a more deserving wrestler, he has earned this honor.  Booker T was a mid-card wrestler that quietly worked his way to the top of the WCW. The night he won his first championship was full of controversies. The Main event was Hulk Hogan vs. Jeff Jarrett at 2000’s Bash at the Beach. The plan was for Hogan to “Put Over” Jarrett, but Hogan had creative control clauses in his contract, so Vince Russo had Jarrett “laid down” for Hogan once the bell rang. Russo proclaimed that he will help crown a new champion that will lead the WCW to new heights, that man was Booker T. He held the title four different times; in fact he was handpicked by the WWE to become the last WCW Champion ever. Booker T has held over 30 recognized Championship titles, and now he has finally obtained that Hall of Fame ring, “Can you dig that Sucka” (in my best Booker T voice)

If you want to read more about Booker T, click here.

Harrington Bayas


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