Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Alberto Del Rio will fulfill his destiny

Ever since his debut, Alberto Del Rio has been making a huge impact on the WWE Universe. Since the Royal Rumble, he has been dominating on WWE Friday Night SmackDown. Making Edge's life a nightmare. Luckily Christian came back to get his revenge on Del Rio. But since WWE NXT, he developed a protégé, so-to-speak, Brodus Clay. With a big man like Brodus Clay by your side, it's been very difficult for Edge and Christian to gain an advantage. This Friday on SmackDown will be the last confrontation Edge and Alberto Del Rio will have before WrestleMania 27. My prediction is that Alberto Del Rio will fulfill his destiny, but of course, you already know that ::wink::

Picture was taken at WrestleMania 27 Press Conference, at The Hard Rock Cafe on March 30, 2011.

Written by Ernesto Heleno Jr. and The Wrestling Fans Review.


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