Sunday, November 13, 2011

This Week in Wrestling of November 13, 2011

This week in wrestling, Zack Ryder finally made it to the main event of Raw along side of John Cena. Throughout most of the match, the Miz & R-Truth whopped Ryder’s ass all over the ring, but towards the end of the match here come SuperCena who attempted to gain a victory over the Awesome Truth. The high light of the match was when Ryder & Cena hit a double “Five Knuckle Shuffle” on their opponents. The top heel of company (The Miz) won the match with the help of his partner.  I am super excited that Ryder is in the main event, and  I am not worried at all that he had is ass handed to him on a silver platter, because apparently no one will take SuperCena baby face spot away from him.

Now to the eye candy portion of the show, Kelly Kelly is on the cover of the new Maxim Magazine. She was interrupted by the Divas Champion Beth Phoenix who was accompany by Natalya, I thought there was a cat fight a brewing , but Eve (I don't understand why she cut her Latin last name out) And Alicia (Rihanna look alike) Fox hit the ring for the save.  The segment was longer then an average Divas match. I love all the Divas, I am just poking a little fun, so don't take any offence to any of the crap I say about the Divas J

John Morrison finally won a match; I guess he’s out of the dog house. It's funny that Melina's 90 day Non-compete agreement is over and Morrison wins his first match in months.  I guess Morrison was given a 90 day shut your mouth and be happy we don't let you go also punishment. The other guy that won a match was former World Champion Jack Swagger. He was the butt of the joke last week when he lost to Santino Marella after the Muppets interfered during the match. Marella should be really careful with what he drinks; he gets suspended for violating the wellness program. Hey you know who also won a match on Raw? Nuestro Campion De la WWE (translation Our WWE Champion) Alberto Del Rio. He defeated a mid-card wrestler Kofi Kingston. This win really showed how good Del Rio truly is, not really. I wouldn't be surprise if CM Punk wins next Sunday at Survivor Series.

Kevin Nash, who was absents last week on Raw, graced us with presence this week and explained why he took out his best friend Triple H. He goes on to says.."CLICK" a la CM Punk.

On Impact Wrestling Ronnie Ortiz from the Jersey Shore made his in ring debut, alongside EY, Eric Young. They took on Robbie E & Robbie T in a tag team match. The wrestlers carried the match, until the end when Ronnie came in, hit a clothes line, a body slam and then covered Robbie E for the win. These sets of moves, look & sounds familiar, it should because it was the same scenario the WWE used with Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi at WrestleMania 27. Impact wrestling, you are guilty of stealing another move out of the WWE play book.

The new Impact World Champion Bobby Roode was in the ring gloating over his win and his first World Champion reign. Last week Roode defeated his best friend James Storm, by hitting him over his head with a beer bottle. His best quote was "are you booing me or chanting Roode, Roode… this new generation, is a generation of selfishness and I am the leader of new generation”, I can see a superstar being born right before my eyes. Sting announces that James Storm is getting a rematch for the World title on that night. We then see Storm in the locker room area bleeding from his head and he proclaims he will still take on the champion. The finish of the match was great, Roode helped his ex partner to his feet because Storm was unable to continue due to the lost of blood.  Roode asked the referee if the match was over, to which the referee responded no, so Roode put Storm in a small package and got the 123. AJ Style and Kazarian rushed to Storm’s aid. Style dammed a match with Roode at Turning Point, to which Sting agreed to.

On SmackDown I saw a team of Latin wrestler, getting TV time, new comer Epico, Hunico, and Primo. Epico is the cousin of Primo and nephew of Carlos Colón; he comes from a great Wrestling family. Hunico is of Mexican descent, but born in El Paso, Texas. I don’t understand why all Latin wrestlers in the WWE are depicted as Mexican or gang members. I am noticing a hint of racism. First of all, the Colón family is well known, all over the world and they are Puerto Ricans, not Mexican, so the WWE needs to stop putting bandanas on their head like Cholos. Secondly not all Latino are in gangs, we just have big families J

Pro- Wrestling lost another legend this week, 80 year old Killer Karl Kox. He was a star in the late 60’s and early 70’s for WCW promotion. Henry Godwinn was involved in a terrible car accident, in which he miraculously survived. Kamala had one of his feet amputated due to complications from diabetes. Our thoughts & prayers go out to Killer Karl Kox families for their lost. We should also prayer that Henry Godwinn and Kamala have a speedy recovery. Now, we should celebrate the life of one of the greatest Mexican Luchador, Eddie Guerrero. On November 13, 2005 I learned of Eddie’s passing, and I was in shock. I have been told that I am a non emotional guy, but that night I couldn’t hold my tries back, he was an average size man that showed the world that with hard work and determination you can accomplish anything. So let’s ring the bell ten times for, a father, a husband, the man that paved the way for the Cruiserweight or X division, for a WWE Champion, a Hall of Famer, an Icon, a legend, for “lying, cheating and stealing”, for Latino Heat, for “VIVA LA RAZA”. We will also miss you, EDDIE, EDDIE, EDDIE!


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