Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Your Votes For The Best Wrestler Are In

CM Punk

The polling booth is closed and the answers are in to the questions posted a couple of weeks ago. Who is the best worker (wrestler) in the WWE and TNA? The winners are CM Punk& Kurt Angle, and I must agree with you guys they are the hottest superstars in their wrestling company. I must disagree, with the low ranking of guys like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes.   These guys are just waiting for that main event door to open and they will kick it in. My favorite superstar in this list is Dolph Ziggler, this guy is great on the mic and he makes every one of his opponents look like a million dollars. On Impact Wrestling, you guys voted Austin Aries really low, this guy is one of the best competitor in the X-Division. D’Angelo Dinero did not get one vote that was crazy, I really feel bad for him.  Bobby Roode got 15% of the votes and now he is the new World Champion, mark my words, he going to become a top superstar.

-Harrington Bayas

Kurt Angle


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