Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Warrior speaks on the NYC demonstrator

The Ultimate Warrior had a few comments about the people that are demonstrating all around the country, he called them a bunch of poseurs that are fueling the same corporations they are trying to take down. The Warrior states “I find it a little ironic that most of these kids own iPads & iPhones and all these material things. They’re a big part of the consumerism that goes on in this country.” He goes on further to say “The biggest statement you can make is not to participate in the consumerism of it all. Don’t buy the stuff. Start living your own life. Practice what you preach.”  I agree with the Warrior on this one. These people are there crying about all the things that are wrong with this country, but believe that sitting on their a**, in downtown New York will make a difference. Stop buying iPhones and things of that nature… wait a minute, if no one buys them they won’t make them. I can’t live without my iPhone, so please, please, I beg of you, go out there  to buy as many as you can.

-Harrington Bayas


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