Tuesday, November 29, 2011

John Morrison left the WWE

John Morrison & Melina

John Morrison WWE contract expired today, and the WWE attempted to re-sing him, but Morrison declined their offer. The rumors are that he will be heading to TNA with his real life girl friend Melina. I wish them the best of luck, but I can’t see how changing companies will help Morrison’s lack of charisma. He was jobbing for the latter part of his WWE career. He will be heading to wrestling company full of ex-WWE stars, to which I can’t see them stepping down and letting him bask in the spot light. On the other hand Melina can make a huge impact in the Knockout division. Melina has the “it” factor that Morrison lacks. If I was part of the creative team I would also hire Morrison ex-partner Adam Birch better known as Joey Mercury. The idea is to put Morrison where he can produce the best quality matches and that is in the tag team division. TNA is in need of a good tag team, now that Beer Money has split. This would be the perfect launching pad for him, look what Bobby Rhodes and Bully Ray are doing as single competitors. The move to TNA is a rumor and it can always change, but if he does make the move to TNA, I really hope they do right by him. 

-Harrington Bayas


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