Wednesday, November 30, 2011

John Cena on Piper's Pit

John Cena & Roddy Piper

Hello wrestling fans, just wanted to talk about how last night's WWE Raw Supershow started off, with Piper's Pit featuring John Cena. Personally, I loved everything Rowdy Roddy Piper said through-out the whole segment. Right now John Cena is loved by many fans, but there is a huge fan base, the hardcore wrestling fans, who see the sport of professional wrestling for more than just the good guys vs. the bad guys. I have huge respect for every wrestler/superstar, but when I see that Cena is getting booed being a "white-meat baby face," and the "poster-boy" for the WWE, it goes to show that he is losing respect from the hardcore wrestling fans. My brother and I were there at the WrestleMania Press Conference when someone threw a box of Fruity Pebbles at Cena as soon as he came out of his limousine. If he continues on this path, his career will be over before he knows it. He has no choice but to become heel. The Rock was getting booed every night, until he finally told the fans where to go. He changed his attitude and gained the respect of the fans and now he's a huge superstar and one of the forefathers of the "attitude" era. John Cena is still young and has a long career ahead of him. Becoming heel wouldn’t ruin his career, it would improve it. He can turn face later in the future, but bottom line is that he's loses respect and I believe its goanna kill his career. It seems to me, that Piper was telling him this exact thing. That he's losing the respect of the fans and he needs to do something about it. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks so please leave a comment.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr 

John Cena & Roddy Piper


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