Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bret "Hitman" Hart in Staten Island, New York

Bret Hart
Hello again wrestling fans. On March 16, 2011 I met Bert Hart for a second time. My brother and I met Bert during Ringside fest 2007, at Caroline, in New York City. Ringside fest was awesome; we met the members of the Hart Foundation, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, “The Mouth of the South “Jimmy Hart and Bret “Hitman” Hart. Last Saturday my family and I went to Staten Island, it was a cold and rainy day. It took us a 45 min to get there and when you add the tolls, it cost us $30.00. The autograph event was schedule for 1 pm, and we arrived at the location around 1:26 pm. I thought surely there weren’t any tickets available. When we entered the Bistro to purchase our tickets, we were told that Bret was running late. The promoters numbered their tickets and call each fan in numerical order to get their autographs. One hour later Bret finally arrived at the venue, now we just had 143 people ahead of us. Everything went downhill when our number was called. My family and I have been attending many autograph signings and we have never been rush like this. There was this one guy, I guess he was a security guard, he was yelling at the fans to “move it along” and he was just downright rude. When we finally got to Bret Hart, he looked tired. He signed two pictures for me and posed for a group photo. Bret did mention he like the group picture, we took together in 2007 that was basically it. We shot our first video for You Tube, it was hosted by Carolyn Bayas & Cristina M. Bayas, and they both gave their opinions on the Bret Hart autograph event, now it’s my turn: I was happy with the outcome. Being a lifelong wrestling fan, having a piece of wrestling memorabilia signed and posing for a picture with one of the greatest wrestler of the sport, brings me joy.
The Wrestling Fans Review & Bret Hart

Written by Harrington Bayas and The Wrestling Fans Review.


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