Saturday, April 30, 2011

Carlito in New York City

The Wrestling Universe
Hello again wrestling fans. My family and I just met Carlito at the Wrestling Universe. He was an awesome person to meet; he gave us conversation and answered all of our questions. Like always, The Wrestling Universe pricing was great and the line was handled in an orderly fashion. My family and I had ample time with Carlito; he signed three pictures, an action figure and he also posed for a group photo.  We went into a CVS and got the photo develop in to an 8x10 instant print. Carlito also signed our group photo, now “That’s Cool”. Watch our YouTube video.
For our wrestling fans in Germany that can’t view us on YouTube, use the link below to like us on facebook and view our most recent video for Carlito autographic signing event, in New York City.

-Brought to you by The Wrestling Fans Review.
-Written by Harrington Bayas.
Carlito & The Wrestling Fans Review


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