Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Draft picks for Raw

Draft picks for Monday Night Raw: Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio and John Cena?
So they replace the new young up-in-comer luchador Sin Cara, with the legend luchador Rey Mysterio. A lot of people underestimate Rey Mysterio, but you have to understand that he's a legend when it comes to Mexican Lucha Libre and especially the high flying style we see today. We have to admit that Mysterio is older and cannot do those same high flying moves he used to do back in the 90's, in ECW and WCW. Sin Cara has some big shoes to fill right now, but Rey Mysterio on Raw is cool with me.
I gained a lot of respect for the Big Show. He is definitely the best "Big man" wrestler in the business and the most athletic. Like Rey Mysterio, he's so over with the fans that belts and titles, don’t really matter. You can’t go wrong with Big Show
His name is Alberto Del Rio, but of course you already knew that. I'm excited to see the future of the WWE, on Monday Night Raw. His charisma is great and his in-ring ability is good as well. He definitely has what it takes to be a top heel in the business. Del Rio on Raw will only strengthen his career.
John Cena on Raw? Wait... WHAT? WHY? Why would he be drafted twice? What was the whole point of that? That was a big "F U" to the Raw fans who wanted him gone and to the SmackDown fans who wanted to see him on Friday nights. It was just unnecessary, to tease everyone like that.
Well, those were my thoughts on the 2011 WWE Draft. I just hope WWE knows what they're doing. I would love to read your thoughts on the draft picks.

-Written by Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-Brought to you by The Wrestling Fans Review


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