Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tough Enough Episode Four

In the being of Tough Enough we saw the ten contestants have an agility test, where Luke Robinson and Jeremiah Riggs were above the rest of competitors. What a big surprise. One of contestants that stood out during the test was Martin Casaus, but the wrost competitor was Eric Watts, I really don’t understand why they keep this guy around. Martin Casaus beat out Luke Robinson in this week’s challenge, because Luke didn’t want to put Martin over. Martin has won the last two challenges, in a row.  Rima Fakih, Miss USA, was sent home, because she didn’t show any improvement after a late night training section with Bill DeMott. I am sorry to see her leave, but I love to watch her walk away. You can watch our video recap in You Tube.
Rima Fakih

Written by Harrington Bayas and The Wrestling Fans Review


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