Monday, April 11, 2011

Tough Enough is officially my favorite show

Hello fellow followers, I’ve watched wrestling over the years on and off again but most recently I have been watching more WWE.   Well I watched for the first time Tough Enough on the USA network, this is now officially my favorite WWE show.   I have to start off by saying that this show is really intense.   Seeing the way they are being trained makes me change my prospective on wrestling all together.  I always thought of wrestling as a form of sports entertainment but seeing how extreme and how these competitors push their bodies was an eye-opening experience.   I have to give a shot out to Ivelisse Velez, she’s the smallest women competing but in my option the strongest, and most qualified to make it all the way.  She would take bumps and you can tell that it was painful for her but she kept on getting up and never showed in her face the pain her body was enduring.  You can tell that she has the passion, the heart and drive to be a WWE super star. 

Written by Carolyn Bayas and The Wrestling Fans Review.
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