Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Is Wrestling! (February 29, 2012)

The Rock gave one of the longest promo ever; it was actually 24 minutes long. I edited the video down to 3 minutes, and I highlighted certain comments that made me laugh I hope you guys enjoy it.

John Cena's Come Back For The Rock

Last night The Rock made his return to Raw, he began to cut one of the longest promo that I have ever heard. It was about 11:00 pm when he finally graced us with his presence, and he began rambling on & on about what was trending worldwide, who gives a flying fuck.  Don't get me wrong I am a huge Rock fan and I know for a fact he is going to carry the entire match at WrestleMania 28, but I was expecting a lot more, from him. Maybe my expectations were a bit high, for a guy who has been out of the wrestling business for over seven years. But he is, The Rock, "The People's Champion", “The Great One”, "The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment", so he says. Finally John Cena comes in, and I hate to say this, he saved the segment. Cena went in hard on the Rock. He called him out on writing notes on his wrists for this promo, how great was that?  Then he left the Rock mumbling in the middle of the squared circle. You can chalk up another win in the war of words for Cena. The week before, Cena, called The Rock a “Champion with people” and told the crowd that only “reason he came back in the first place was to promote Fast Five and launch his Twitter account”. The Rock sounds like he is slipping, he better kick it into high gear, because Cena is killing him on the mic.

Harrington Bayas

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Extreme Reunion

ECW,ECW, ECW, those are the words that a crowed full of energy chanted, while the new genre of wrestling was on displayed in a squared circle at the ECW arena, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Now “The Franchise” Shane Douglas proclaims that the age of “PG” will be over and that there will be a “rebirth of Hardcore” on April 28, 2012.  The show is called Extreme Reunion, and yes we will see the original roster from the early 90’s, but Douglas wants to make everyone aware that there will also be younger talent that will be in the spotlight on that night. Douglas states that there “mindset is to re-launch the brand”, because it will benefit the industry.  During an interview I heard on Wrestling Epicenter, Douglas called the attempts made by WWE and TNA, to give the fans the ECW style were “poor piss” version. He was very vocal on the fact that TNA didn’t pay the ECW originals proper wages to compete during that storyline.  After Douglas rejected the offer that TNA gave him, he came back with a counteroffer that he will work for free if they made a donation to Wounded Warriors and they gave him “Dick Flair”, in the main event of the PPV, obviously this never happened.   On a personal note I can wait to see, what “The Franchise” can come up with, and wish him the best in this venture.  

Harrington Bayas

Picture of the Week (February 25, 2012)

Santino Marella had two opportunities to wrestle the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. The outcome of the matches didn’t favor him at all, but it gave him the chance to be in a main event of a PPV and wrestle on live television. The fact is he wrestled a different style that he is used too. There was very little comedy during the match which allowed him to show off his wrestling talent. This is the main reason he is in the Picture of the Week.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Divas Picture of the Week (February 24, 2012)

The Hoeski of the Week!

Ron Simmons

Hello wrestling fans. The WWE Hall of Fame is a big part of the Road to WrestleMania, and I always, always, always look forward to seeing it. I personally love when they start name-dropping in their speeches. I just have this fascination with superstars "breaking kayfabe", meaning they're speaking out-of-character. That is why I love watching the biography DVD’s. Anyways, this past Monday on Raw Super Show, they announced the latest inductee, Ron Simmons. I became so happy. After his brief career in the NFL, he began his wrestling career in NWA as part of the tag team, Doom with Butch Reed and managed by Teddy Long. He then began his solo career, beating Vader and becoming the first African-American World Champion for WCW. In 1996, he became Faarooq Asad in the WWE, managed by Sunny. Later, he started the faction, The Nation of Domination. Members include guys like Crush, Savio Vega, Mark Henry, D-Lo Brown, Owen Hart and of course The Rock, just to name a few. The Acolytes Protection Agency (A.P.A.) with Bradshaw (JBL) was such a great tag team. Their office was in a corner backstage with just a single door with no walls. They were always seen playing poker and smoking cigars, but when they got hired for protection, they raised hell. In 2004, he retired having accomplished many achievements, including WCW World, United States and Tag Team championships, and a three time WWE Tag Team champion with Bradshaw. I just want to add, when I met Ron Simmons, I told him how I grew up watching him ever since WCW. I mentioned how I remember going crazy when he won the World Heavyweight title and becoming the first African-American World Champion for WCW. He was so thankful and such a great guy. I’m super excited and happy to see his induction to the Hall of Fame this year. One more thing.......... DAMN!!

Ernesto Heleno Jr.

Z! True Long Island Story Episode #54

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Flash From The Past (February 23, 2012)

This is my favorite Royal Rumble moment, the night the real World Champion was crowned. President Jack Tunney stripped the title from Hulk Hogan, because of two controversial title changes between Undertake & the Hogan, so the title was on the line during this particular Royal Rumble.  Ric Flair entered the Rumble as the third man and was in the match for over one hour. On this evening the “Nature Boy” Ric Flair out lasted 29 other men, to become the undisputed WWF Heavyweight Champion. The post-match interview proves that Ric Flair was the greatest wrestler on the mic, and that he can be a star in any Wrestling Organization. The “finish” has always bothered me, but now that I am older I realized that WWE doesn’t “push” anything that wasn’t created by them. The fact that this man was a former NWA & WCW champion means nothing to the WWE, they need to make it seem that without the almighty Hulk Hogan, Flair would have never thrown Sid Justice over the top rope. Probably this is the way poor Daniel Bryan feels right now. Bryan is regarded as one of the greatest Independent Wrestler’s in history, and he has not defeated any of the top superstars in the WWE, cleanly. Bryan keep your head up, and remember that the fans can always make you a star , look at CM Punk,  seven year ago no one believed this guy can be a Superstar, but he is on top of the WWE right now. 

Harrington Bayas

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This Is Wrestling (February 22, 2012)

Since Kane’s return, I honestly believed we will see John Cena as the old rapping heel, but all we got was a Hoeski. The end of this boring ass, storyline gave us nothing to look for. John Cena is still that clean cut white boy from Massachusetts, and is still smiling while the entire arena is chanting “Cena sucks”. The only thing that changed was Eve Torres, she is turning heel.  I really believed Cena was the focus of this storyline not, Eve. The former Divas Champion will forever go down in wrestling history as a Hoeski.

Harrington Bayas

Monday, February 20, 2012

Daniel Bryan is Still Champion

While Daniel Bryan was celebrating his victory over four other competitors in the Elimination Chamber match, the ‘Great White’ Sheamus came in and took out the WWE World Champion. Why does the WWE always embarrass the World Championship title, and a gifted wrestler? A lot of fans don’t like Bryan as the world champion and one of the main reasons is because WWE doesn’t allow him to get clean victories over his opponents. Bryan is a natural gifted wrestler, and he can make any man tap out. Clearly the WWE believes he can only gain a clean victory over the “Court Jester” of the WWE, Santino Morella. Bryan is on a winning streak, he has defeated Morella twice in the past two days, these two victories were submission, and he has never looked so dominating in the ring. The saddest thing is, the victories are over a jobber.

Harrington Bayas

Santino Morella in the Elimination Chamber Match

Santino Morella won the Battle Royal for the opportunity to be involved in the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE World Championship title, on SmackDown.  During the PPV we saw vignettes of Morella training for the match just like the greatest underdog in movie history, Rocky Balboa. In the match Morella pinned Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. He out lasted four other men to go one on one with the reigning WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan. Towards the end of the match Morella hit Bryan with the “Cobra” and honestly I believed the WWE was willing to put the belt on him. Even though Morella hit his devastating finishing maneuver it wasn’t enough. Bryan placed Morella in the LeBell lack, to gain the win. Morella is considered, the comic relief of the WWE, but this guy can wrestle. I am happy he got the opportunity to be part of the main event; he was a pleasant surprise inside of the ring. 

Harrington Bayas

The Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer Invades NYC

Hello again, wrestling fans. I attended an autograph signing that featured the innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer, at the Wrestling Universe. Dreamer gave me great conversation and looked a lot taller in person then as seen on television. We spoke about the trade the Yankees made this past Friday which shipped out AJ Burnett to the Pittsburgh Pirates and how the Yanks will pay $20 million of the $33 million left on his contract. I never knew he was a huge Yankee fan, but what can you expect out of a Yonkers native. Overall, I had a good time, and the two autograph items will be a great addition to my collection. Until next time, see you on the lines.

Editor’s note, I have no idea why I gave the camera person that look.

Harrington Bayas

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Are you Serious Bro, Why are you Kissing my baby Momma?

This past edition of Raw, Cena, committed a huge offence against the Bro Code. Thou shall not kiss your bro’s soon to be baby momma or the shorty he is eying, or the mamasota he has the hot’s for, in the MF mouth. That was just low even for John Cena. I guess this is the way the WWE wants to create “heat” for Cena, but honestly who will actually blame him for doing what he did. You have a fine a** Latin women jumping in to your arms and planting a huge wet one on your lips, what do you do, push her away from you, no man! Do exactly what John Cena did embrace the heat from Eve. As a matter of fact I envy him just little bit, now. I am just kidding guys, it is apparent that the WWE wants Cena to have a mean streak, or even little bit of heel status before the huge match at WrestleMania 28 against The Rock. So this angle will give him that push towards “embracing the hate”, and hopefully the storyline between Kane & Cena comes to an end, because it is boring. This Storyline doesn’t convince me that Cena is heel; I really think they need him to turn on the fans for boing him every single night, in order to make him a believable “Bad Guy”. But the WWE will not do that for one single match so don’t expect good vs. evil on April 1, 2012.

Harrington Bayas

Picture of the Week (February 18, 2012)

This is the first time I have John Cena under spot light of “The Picture of the Week”, because he really doesn’t do anything special in or outside of the ring. But this week he has done it and in fact he has even changed the name of the segment to “Douchebag of the Week” how can you kiss, Eve, are you serious, Bro! 

Divas Picture of the Week (February 18, 2012)

This past Monday night, Eve shattered Zack Ryder’s heart into tiny pieces, on the eve of the most romantic holiday Valentine’s Day. Eve is a former Divas Champion, model, dancer and you can add heartbreaker to that list, lol. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

WrestleMania 29

WrestleMania 29 is coming back home to the New York/ New Jersey area. The main event has not being announced yet, but I am super hyped. I have never attended a WrestleMania, and 2013 will probably be the year. I can’t wait for the week long activates, the Hall of Fame and all the “meet and greets”. In WrestleMania 28 the Undertaker is will possibly be taking on Triple H, and I am routing for the Taker.  I want to be in attends for this historic moment, the night the “streak” is broken. This sounds selfish, and to that I say hell yeah, you can’t blame me! I would like a chance to meet the Taker for the first time. Undertaker is part of three different eras, the 80’s (which my brother calls the "Monster Gimmick" era), the Attitude era, and the PG era. Whatever item I get autographed by the Undertaker will become one of the biggest cherished memorabilia’s in my collection. I am getting ahead of myself! Let’s focus on this year’s WrestleMania, all of its grandeur. 

Harrington Bayas

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Flash From The Past

The Knockouts Are Wishing You A Happy Valentine’s Day

Mickie James is wishing you guys a Happy Valentine’s Day, and would like to share a lollypop!

Chris Jericho Is The Best In The World At What He Does

Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho ended Raw with a bang, gaining a victory over the WWE Champion CM Punk. After the match Jericho then mocked him by sitting in Punk’s traditional Indian style pose and holding the WWE title on his shoulder. Earlier in the show he came clean by telling the fans the main reason for returning to wrestling. Jericho called out all of the wrestlers that were stealing his gimmick, specially “The Best in the World” CM Punk. CM Punk responded by mocking Jericho and not uttering a word.  I don’t like to toot my own horn, but toot, toot, I wrote about this same story line a couple of weeks ago and I guess someone has a future in the WWE creative team, lol. In my opinion Jericho is back in the WWE to put over the younger talent, so look for exciting matches on the Chamber PPV and WrestleMania 28.  

Harrington Bayas

Picture of the Week (February 11, 2012)

Chris Jericho is “The best in world at what he does”, but his character has evolved. He was once known as “Lion Heart” Chris Jericho, and was one of the funniest characters WCW/WWE has ever had; this is why he is under the spot light of this week’s edition of Picture of the Week. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Divas Picture of the Week (February 8, 2012)

I found this hot picture of former Divas Champion Kelly Kelly, I hope you guys like it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Raw Super Show (February 7, 2012)

Hello wrestling fans. After watching Raw Super Show, I had a few thoughts I wanted to express. I'm already tired of the whole Kane, Cena, Ryder and Eve situation. It's border-line soap opera. Zack Ryder and Eve being "boyfriend/girlfriend" is just dumb but hopefully Ryder makes his return soon and wins back his U.S. championship. The only way I see the "embrace the hate" angle working out is with John Cena defeating Kane in the "Ambulance Match," which ends that feud and eventually makes Cena turn heel for the WrestleMania match against The Rock. Honestly, I really don’t care for that match. I was never excited for a Rock/Cena match, not even when it was announced last year, after WrestleMania 27. The Rock sold out to become a "movie star" and truthfully, I'll be cheering for John Cena. Speaking of "truth", what the hell was Miz thinking when he let R-Truth just fall flat on his back from the ring to the outside floor? If Truth is seriously injured, it could jeopardize his career and it would definitely be The Miz's fault. Not cool. I must admit, I’m more excited to see the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship than for the World Heavyweight Championship. Simply because, for some reason The Great Khali is in the Chamber match. Khali is just an example of what I like to call a "monster gimmick." Big monster guys who are there to be unstoppable, which is lame and boring, in my opinion. I am excited to see the Lionheart, Y2J, The Best in the World at what he does, Chris Jericho become WWE champion. I said in a past article how CM Punk might be the best since HBK and Jericho are gone, but that same day, Jericho returns to Raw. Jericho's speech last night was perfect and he has the history of accomplishments to back it up. CM Punk definitely stole the "Best in the World" phrase and Jericho will show him, who's the best. Y2J! Y2J! Y2J! Lastly, I'm sure that Triple H will eventually accept the Undertaker's challenge at WrestleMania. It just goes to show that Undertaker has no more worthy opponents for WrestleMania and I’m sorry to say, it'll never be as great of a match as the ones Taker had with Mr. WrestleMania himself, Shawn Michaels.

Ernesto Helen Jr.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Bella Twins, in Football Jersey

For all you Football fans, here are two of the hottest women to ever put on a jersey. The Bella Twins

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and I want to give you guys a present. This is Rosita, she is a TNA Knockout, and she would like to give you a Rose.

Picture of the Week (February 4, 2012)

The Undertaker is back!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

X-Pac in New York City


Hello again wrestling fans. I attended a special wrestling autograph session at the Wrestling Universe in Queens, New York. The guess was Sean Waltman, better known as X-Pac, former member of D-Generation X and NOW, two of the greatest factions in wrestling history. Waltman is a former two time European Champion, two time Light Heavyweight Champion, four time Tag team Champion, in the WWE. In WCW he held the Cruiserweight Championship title twice and the Tag Team Championship titles once with his best friend Kevin Nash.  I have met X-Pac before it was during Ringside Fest 2006, in which I met the entire Wolfpac (Scott Hall & Kevin Nash). In Ringside Fest, Waltman was great, very hyper and was over all cool with everyone. This time he was a little mellow, still very cool to meet him, wasn’t too personal.  The tickets were $30 for two photos and one autograph, which in my opinion is very affordable. Like always I enjoyed my time at the Wrestling Universe, and the rumors are that he will have Bret “Hitman” Hart, sometime in May, he will confirm on his web page. Until next time, see you on the lines.

X-Pac & Me


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