Sunday, July 31, 2011

CM Punk is on TNA On Demand

CM Punk
I would like to take this opportunity to explain that I don’t call myself an expert, nor do I have someone in the “inside” of any wrestling company, what I am, is a wrestling fan that  writes about what he likes and what he dislikes.  I really hate trashing a sport that I have grown to love since I was five years old, but TNA (Impact Wrestling) should stop and start all over again. With that being said these last couple of weeks have been amazing for wrestling, there is a buzz in the air that reminds me of the late 90’s. It’s incredible how CM Punk is getting “Over” and TNA is trying to capitalize on the popularity that Punk has gained by showing all his matches during his time with the company on I know, TNA is doing bad but using a wrestler from another company to make a profit, sh*t that’s bad. What’s next, are they going to give us “R-Truth greatest matches”, if there are any? I can’t really understand what’s going on with TNA, they had my attention a couple of weeks ago, but ever since Mr. Anderson got bully in to joining Immortal I lost interest in the product. I was expecting the younger wrestlers to get an opportunity to shine with this “Wrestling Matters” campaign, but all I see is these wrestlers, that are clearly past their prime attempt to make a comeback. We see an Icon turn into a raving lunatic that believes he is the Joker. If you ask me he is trying to impersonate Jim Carey. Let’s get back to the subject, the Joker, I mean Sting is trying to bring back the real Hulk Hogan and if you don’t see it by now your simply blind, the main event for Bound for Glory it’s going to be Sting vs. Hogan for the umpteen time. Does TNA really believe that having these 80’s superstar clash in a PPV, draw money? They are clearly mistaken. What’s going to draw attention is the X division, and guys like Bobby Roode. These guys should be the focal point of the show not the back stage crap they are airing.  TNA, have great wrestlers in their roster, that are in their prime, but they are sitting back while the spotlight is on the older wrestlers. The WWE is showcasing their young talents at this very moment, and they are making a comeback in my opinion. So please TNA steal the idea of using younger wrestlers, instead of using wrestlers that are not on your own roster to make a profit.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Friday, July 29, 2011

Picture of the Week (July 28, 2011)

Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan better known as the American Dragon or Bryan Danielson is one of the top wrestler in the WWE. He captured the US title and then went on to win the Money in the Bank match; the future is bright, for Bryan.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Divas picture of the Week (July 28, 2011)

Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox is one of the hottest Diva in the WWE right now, in a gold outfit, looking great with that crazy hair.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The True Champ is Here

CM Punk

Rey Mysterio
Monday night Raw started off, with the crowning of the smallest WWE Heavyweight Champion, ever and ended with the true champion hit the ring. Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz, whom in my opinion is the better superstar to carry the company under Triple H’s region. Mysterio gains the victory by hitting The Miz with splash of the top rope. (I would just like to take this opportunity to tell you guys I predicted Rey was going to win, thank you very much)The Miz attacked Mysterio at the end of the match, leaving him in a weaken state. Alberto Del Rio attempts to cash in the Money in the Bank, but Rey gains the upper hand and the match never gets started. Why doesn’t the WWE listen to the fans, we don’t want a midget champion. We want a young and over confident Champion.

Micheal Cole
Triple H enters the ring and gives us the return of Jim Ross, to the Chair he made famous. Then he gives us Micheal Cole as “The Cerebral Assassin”, this was a bitching scene. Everyone is quoting Charlie Shane’s “Epic” but I really like “Bitching”, so let’s bring it back folks.  Then he gives us a comic release sketch with R-Truth and then John Morrison returns to Raw. Oh did I forget to mention that he also gave us a second main event, that involves the new champion Rey Mysterio vs. the former champion, and if I my add the man that let the WWE title leave the company, John Cena.

CM Punk & John Cena 
The night wouldn’t be complete without eye candy in the ring, that’s what I always say; the Divas tag team match was Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres vs. Maryse & Melina. The main event is finally here, after a great match between Alberto Del Rio & Kofi Kingston, we get Rey vs. Cena. The match was a back & forth, Cena-Rey, Rey-Cena, no one knew who was going to win…no not really that match bite the big one. The only bright side was that JR was calling the match and he was making them look great, I thought I was a witness to the greatest match in world. Obviously Cena won the title, but the shocking moment of the night was when the true WWE Heavyweight Champion came, CM Punk and made his presences known. The two men came face to face and had a crowd going wild, both man raised the titles and got a response from the fans, but the true Champion CM Punk revised the greater ovation from the crowd. There is a video playing on the official WWE facebook, which show CM Punk on the mic stating “I am back”. Over all I feel this edition of Raw good, can’t wait for the next.

On a side note there are rumors that The Kings of Wrestling, Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero are heading to the main Raw roster, along with Colt Cabana. Is this correct, it mean I am right, CM Punk will invade the WWE with Independent wrestlers.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
-Like us on facebook and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Friday, July 22, 2011

My thoughts on Money in the Bank

Money in the Bank

Hello wrestling fans. I just wanted to post the results and of course my thoughts about each match. First off, I believe the whole CM Punk situation just had this vibe going around the arena. WWE Money in the Bank was probably the best WWE pay per view I've seen in a while. I say the best because most of the matches were good matches. Here are the results:

Daniel Bryan
The first match was SmackDown's Money in the Bank ladder match featuring Kane, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Cody Rhodes. Everyone in this match was on top of their game. No one slacked off. This was a really good match, with each superstar with their own highlights. Sin Cara started cleaning house, until Sheamus powerbombed him onto a ladder on the outside. If you see closely, you can see the paint covered crack on the ladder right before it "breaks" when Sin Cara lands. He was brought to the back by the EMTs. So he'll be out of action for a while, hence his suspension. An awesome high spot was Sheamus and Kane doing the Doomsday Device on Bryan, paying homage to The Road Warriors since they were in Chicago that night. Just as Sheamus was about to grab the briefcase, he was chokeslammed by Kane onto another ladder. Rhodes, Bryan, and Barrett ganged up on Kane and ends with Gabriel delivering his 450 splash from on top of a ladder. Then Bryan gains the upper hand, by kicking Barrett off the ladder to grab the briefcase. Yes, it is true. Daniel Bryan (The American Dragon Bryan Danielson) is now the Money in the Bank winner with a contract for a World Championship title match at any time for one year.

Kelly Kelly defeated Brie Bella to retain her WWE Divas Championship.

Mark Henry defeated Big Show. Henry did a great job playing the heel, constantly beating on the injured leg of Big Show's. Henry is getting a big push to being a top heel for WWE SmackDown.

Alberto Del Rio
Raw's Money in the Bank ladder match was next, featuring The Miz, Alex Riley, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston. It seems like these guys wanted to top SmackDown's ladder match, because this match had some awesome high spots. First Riley flips over the top rope onto Swagger and Miz, and then Truth flips over the top rope onto them. Finally Mysterio and Kingston were on opposite turnbuckles jump off, landing on top of the guys. Then Bourne delivers his finisher Airbourne from the ladder, landing on top of everyone. Bourne and Miz end up reaching for the briefcase, but Del Rio pushed the ladder from under them, causing Miz to land and hurt his right knee. There's a point in the match where there are four ladders in the ring and all seven superstars are all on top reaching for that briefcase. Each man falls off one by one, when out of nowhere, The Miz returns hopping on one leg but is cut short by Mysterio. The fans at the arena were not pleased by that, booing Mysterio for stopping Miz and almost grabbing the briefcase. Mysterio and Del Rio go back and forth for the briefcase, on top of the ladders, but Del Rio unmasks Mysterio and causes all the ladders to fall. Del Rio quickly puts the ladder back in place and grabs the briefcase. He's officially Raw's Money in the Bank ladder match winner. But of course, you already knew that.

For those who follow The Wrestling Fans Review blogs site, know that I'm a Christian fan. I must say, I am not happy with how he became World Champion. A stipulation in the match was that if Randy Orton was disqualified, he would lose his World Championship title. Christian ends up spitting on Orton's face, making Orton so angry that he kicks Christian below the belt and loses the match and his title. He then gives Christian the RKO on top of the Spanish announcers table, and then follows up with another RKO. To be honest, it seemed that they were trying to break the table but couldn’t. I don’t like this ending because Christian's debate was "I can beat you Randy!" and winning the title by disqualification doesn’t prove that he can. I feel like it doesn’t make Christian look good at all. It was a cheap way to win.

CM Punk
Finally we get to the main event of the night and from the moment CM Punk's music started, the fans went wild. The match started out slow with John Cena shadow boxing and surprisingly chain wrestling with Punk. I don’t think anyone was sitting down this whole match. It was very suspenseful, keeping everyone on their feet. Cena had the upper hand for the most part, but Punk did not want to stay down. They're later joined by Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis. McMahon signals for the time keeper to ring the bell. Just as Laurinaitis starts running down to the bell, Cena clotheslines him and tells McMahon that he didn’t want to win that way. He goes back into the ring and Punk catches him with the GTS and gets the 1, 2, 3. I was completely shocked. I believed Cena was going to win, not get fired of course, and Punk would leave like he said he would. Vince then calls for Alberto Del Rio to cash in his contract but gets kicked by Punk before the match ever started. So CM Punk is now the WWE Champion and he jumped over the railing, on to the fans and left the WWE with the prestigious yet ugly looking WWE Championship.

On that note, it was a good pay per view event with a few surprises and good matches. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for WWE now that there's no WWE Champion and Vince McMahon being fired. We shall see next week on Monday Night Raw.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Divas picture of the Week (July 22, 2011)

Torri Wilson
Introducing the Divas picture of the week, I thought seen we have the picture of the week that focuses on wrestlers, why not have the Diva version. I have chosen Torri Wilson because she is one of the hottest Diva we have ever had. If may you have your choice for the hottest Diva, so let us know who you want see on next week’s edition of Divas Picture of the week. 

Picture of the Week (July 22, 2011)

Vince K. McMahon W. Stacy Keibler
The Chairman of the Board Vince K. McMahon was told that he is relieved of his duties. Triple H takes over, but will we see him as we have seen Mr. McMahon? Here is picture that shows you how fun McMahon has made wrestling. We will see Vince back on TV soon enough.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mr. Anderson is truly an A**hole

Mr. Anderson
Mr. Anderson lost the Impact Wrestling Championship title last week to Sting, due to outside interference, by Kurt Angel. Anderson held title for only one month, why you may ask, I’ll tell you, in my opinion this guy doesn’t have the drive or heart for this business. I know that in the past I have written highly about him, but after seeing the way Impact Wrestling’s “creative team” has changed Anderson persona in so many different ways, makes me sick. What is really funny, he is allowing this to happen. He was interviewed by Sarika Jagtianti a staff writer for the Dover Post, and was asked “How long would you like to keep at it?” He answer “If I’m still doing this five years from now, please shoot me”, can you guys believe this. Anderson is in a position that many wrestlers will kill for and he is sh**ty all over it. He continues by stating “I love the wrestling business … but it doesn’t define me”, what does this even mean. Lou Thesz is rolling in his grave right now. Then he tries to justify his answer by saying “after 13 years of taking abuse I have aches and pains..” what a piece of work, the man right now is a top superstar in Impact Wrestling, while guys who love the wrestling, like Zack Ryder can’t even get on national TV. They later ask Anderson “what would you like do in the future?” and his answer was an actor, “I’d like to transition into movies TV, maybe some behind-the-scenes stuff here at TNA”. I guess I was totally wrong about this guy, I truly believe he was the future of Impact Wrestling, but he is only another wrestler who is out there to make a name for himself in order to enter Hollywood, who does this guy sounds like? Can anyone say Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson? In order to explain what wrestling means to me I will quote Jim Cornette; wrestling is “unique American art form”, this is passion, something Mr. Anderson apparently knows nothing about.

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
–Like us on facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

About Us

This blog site is for wrestling fans and is written by wrestling fans. We high light the great wrestling matches and criticize the bad ones. We talk about autograph sessions with wrestlers and how they interact with fans. This is an interactive site; we allow comments that are tasteful and respectful to all our followers. There are polls that allow you the fans voice your opinion. Do you want to be heard or do you want to go off on something that happen in a wrestling program, then write an article submit it to our email and will pick the best one publish it on our blog site. We have a facebook account and a YouTube channel.  

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What’s next for the WWE

Monday night came and went and I am lost for words. First of all, I thought the WWE was going to fire John Cena, but that didn’t happen. Then I assumed that new WWE champion CM Punk was going to be there, and that didn’t happen. We come to find out that the WWE was going to hold a tournament to determined a new Champion on that night, and that didn’t happen (the tournament concludes on the next episode of Raw).  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sin Cara

WWE superstar Sin Cara has been suspended for 30 days, for violating the wellness policy.

Posted using BlogPress, Written by Harrington Bayas and The Wrestling Fans Review, from my iPhone

New World Champion


Christian won the world title after getting Randy Orton disqualified. Finally Christian got what he deserved and that is the World title. Orton blatantly kicked Christian in the balls, after Christian spits in his face. Orton went crazy and hit Christian with two RKO’s on the Spanish announcers table. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Champ is here!

CM Punk

There is a new WWE Heavyweight Champion. CM Punk did it, he did it. Not only did he win the WWE title, he also got John Cena fired. The match looked as if it will end as a new “screw job”, but in a shocking turn of event Punk got the one, two, three, and he became the WWE champion for the first time in his career. Let’s not get too excited fans, I read that Punk has agreed to stay in WWE until SummerSlam, so I think that Albert Del Rio will face him. Did I forget to mention that Del Rio won the ladder match? Alberto is one step closer to fulfill his destiny.
CM Punk

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre
One of the youngest rising superstars in the WWE is Drew McIntyre, but he has more experience than most of us may know. McIntyre was chosen by the chairman of the board Mr. McMahon and was introduced as the future of the WWE, on SmackDown. He is no stranger to championship gold. He is a two time former British Championship Wrestling (BCW) Heavyweight Champion and an Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) Heavyweight Champion. He signed a developmental contract with the WWE and wrestled in both Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) and Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), he gain success in both companies. In OVW McIntyre captured the Television Championship by defeating Colt Cabana. During his time in FCW he became heavyweight champion.  Later on that year he returned to SmackDown, and captured Intercontinental gold thereafter. Is McIntyre for real or will his be left behind on the side of the road by all the other young talent.

–Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
-Like us on facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Picture of the Week (July 15, 2011)

SummerSlam 1989

Since SummerSlam is around the corner I thought that this picture would be appropriate. The poster for SummerSlam 1989, in which we saw one of the greatest giants Hulk Hogan ever faced Zeus, during his astonishing career.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

John Cena is a Dynasty?

John Cena

Ok that’s it! I can’t take it anymore, Cena you did it; you turned me into a Cena hater. I had admired you and all that you have accomplished in your career, but last Monday night on Raw, I lost total respect for you. I cannot believe you attacked CM Punk after he called you a New York Yankee, you should be honor and proud to be mention or even compared to true dynasties like the Yankees. You have made a mockery of the WWE Heavyweight Championship by turning it into a spin title for children.  You have become our modern ear Hulk Hogan, but the one major difference is that Hogan commanded respect in every match he had. Hogan had followers from every age group, not just the little “Jimmies”. He took on giants and made us believe they stood NO chance against him. Hogan over came all odds to become a legend in this sport, yes I said, sport. Now we see a Mark Wahlberg look alike on our television sets every Monday night, I can’t stand it. In efforts to make John Cena into a credible champion, the WWE is having one of the best wrestlers lose to him in his own home town. This story line should make Cena look as the better man, but in reality Punk is taking it to the next level. If CM Punk decides to enter another wrestling company, he will take many of the WWE fans with him, including yours truly, but if he returns to the WWE his future looks brighter than ever.

–Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Destination X results (part Three)

Brian Kendrick defeated Abyss for the X Division title. The ring was full of X division competitors and Immortal members; this allowed Kendrick to put Abyss in a roll up for the victory.

AJ Style defeated Christopher Daniels. The match was a seesaw battle. Two best friends faced each other in order to prove which one of them is the best X Division competitor. Style hit the spiral tap, which is the move he used to gain his first X Division title, nine years ago, to defeat Daniels.

Destination X results (part Two)

Alex Shelley won the Ultimate X match, by defeating Amazing Red, Robbie E, and Shannon Moore.

A bloody Rob Van Dam defeated Jerry Lynn, in an exciting match. Jerry Lynn throw RVD cross the ring, head first on to a steal chair, awesome move. In the end RVD hit the Five Star Frog Splash for the clean victory.

Jack Evans, Lowki, Austin Aries and Zema Ion competed for an Impact Wrestling contract. This was the best match of the night, so many high flying moves I can’t really give you a recap. Aries was hit with a three way drop kick and Evans hit the 630 senton, but in the end Aries hit the Brian Buster on Lowki, for the victory.

Destination X results

Kazarian Defeated Samoa Joe, this was a good match.

Douglas Williams defeated Mark Haskins, awesome match; Williams showed great sportsmanship by shaking Haskins hand at the end of the match.

Eric Young & Shark boy defeated Generation Me.

Impact Wrestling (07/07/2011) part two

Everyone was talking about the match between RVD, AJ Style, Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels, don’t get me wrong this match was excellent, but you can see that Lynn and RVD are getting up there in age. They didn’t move as fast as they use to. Daniels and Style stole the whole F**king show. The “Rolling Thunder” from RVD looked a little sloppy, but it brought me back to the ECW days. RVD won this match. Now the match that stole their spot light was the triple threat match between Jack Evans, Anthony Nese, and Jessie Sorensen. This match was full of high flying action and with so many moves that I haven’t seen before. Jack Evans won this math by hitting 630 senton. This was X Division at its glory, and what can bring Impact Wrestling to new heights.

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Impact Wrestling (07/07/2011) part one

Mr. Anderson
Hello again wrestling fans. Mr. Anderson became the newest member of Immortal, by turning on Kurt Angel. I must retract my statement about Mr. Anderson I wrote on June 14th, I was expecting a lot from him and all I saw was a mid-card wrestler get bullied in to joining a gang. Most likely Anderson will turn on Immortal, but the damage is done, I will view him as a mid-card competitor, until he makes a huge impact.  There was a follower on facebook that commented on our post of June 14, Anthony Reese stated “he (Mr. Anderson) is not that good” and after what I saw, I must agree with him. During the first segment we saw Bully Ray bury the Impact Champion with his words, stating that Anderson can’t beat Sting on his own, and what does Mr. Anderson, our World Champion do, he joins that same group that doesn’t value his title reign.  I am going to change the subject, because I am really disappointed with Mr. Anderson. 

Bobby Roode
On to the Bound for Glory Series, there are guys in this tournament that are past their prime, such as RVD, Bully Ray, Devon, and Scott Steiner. We also have guys that are ready for a huge push, such as “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero, Matt Morgan, James Storm and Bobby Roode. Crimson and Gunner are the two top guys in the standing. These two wrestlers have the least experience, but they are leading the pack, while a guy who in my opinion should run through the competition has yet to gain a victory, Bobby Roode. Crimson gain seven points by defeating the injured Roode, on this edition of Impact Wrestling. I am all for putting young wrestlers “over”, but not at the expense of a wrestler with so much talent. Bobby Roode shouldn’t lose to a no-talent, Goldberg want to be, as a matter of fact he should be leading tournament standings. Prediction time, I think in the end Roode will win the Bound for Glory Series.

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Picture of the Week (July 8, 2011)

“King of Maintain” Jeff Jarrett is the founder of Impact Wrestling, but this was is wrestling attire while in the WWF. I really enjoyed his hat, it used to light up. Man those were the good old days.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Impact Wrestling (06/30/2011)

Hello again wrestling fans. I was watching Impact Wrestling and I can’t believe that Sting was transformed into “The Joker”. His imitation is fine, but why is Impact wrestling turning an iconic figure like Sting into a crazed clown. Apparently Sting wants to bring out the old Hulk Hogan, by having him take his vitamins on national television. In my opinion the best match was the triple threat match between Lowki, Jimmy Wang, and Matt Bentley. This match had many high spot and we even saw a “Flying Elvis”. Lowki came out on top, after hitting the “Warrior’s Way” off the top rope and pining Bentley. This match shows that Impact Wrestling is taking serious their new slogan “wrestling matter”. The six person elimination match between the Knockouts was good and the ring was full of eye candy, except Winter, she is the worst looking Knockout. Mickie James came out on top after out lasting Ms. Tessmacher (HOTTEST), Madison Rayne (Ok Hot), Tara (MLIF), Angelina Love (HOT) and Winter. The main event match was Scott Steiner vs. Sting. Sting gain the win over Steiner after hitting the “Scorpion Death Drop”. Bully Ray, the Impact Champion Mr. Anderson and Hulk Hogan took turns attacking Sting after the match. Finally Kurt Angle came out to save Sting; wow it’s hard to keep up who’s whipping Sting.

Angelina Love 
Mickie James 



Madison Rayne 
Ms. Tessmacher 

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
-Like us on facebook and subscribe to our YouTube Channel 

Monday, July 4, 2011

I uploaded a video at our YouTube Channel, recapping our meeting with Sunny at the Wrestling Universe.  Hope you guys enjoy it.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Picture of the Week (July 1, 2011)

Since CM Punk is the hottest news in wrestling, is only fair he is the focus for the Picture of the Week. Punk has held many titles in the WWE and in Ring Of Honor, but will he win the WWE Heavyweight Championship? 


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