Friday, December 30, 2011

Divas picture of Week (December 30, 2011)

These are pictures I took during a match between Eve & Beth in MSG. This an excellent move, don’t you agree. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dolph Ziggler is the Perfection

Dolph Ziggler won a WWE Championship title match, which will be the main event on the first edition of Raw for 2012. This proves that WWE is pushing the younger talent rather than trying to push the veterans down our throat. I really don’t care how he won the match; the only thing that matters is that Ziggler is getting an opportunity. Besides, he has proved himself as an outstanding athlete by pulling double duties on a major PPV. I can honestly say that he will win one of the two top championship titles sometime next year, after WrestleMania 28 most likely. WWE has teased the fans concerning a change to the look of the WWE Championship for weeks now, and I hope that Ziggler will inspire them to do so when he wins his first WWE Heavyweight Championship title. I can really see Ziggler becoming one of the top wrestlers in the WWE.

On a side note: We saw Dolph Ziggler in action against the United States Champion Zack Ryder, Ziggler gave the MSG crowd an A+ performance. 

-Harrington Bayas

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Future of the WWE is Now!!

Hello wrestling fans. A few weeks ago, I was asked by my good friend and follower of The Wrestling Fans Review, Sheena, what were my predictions for the future of the WWE? The New Year is almost here and after seeing the picture of all the new champions, I couldn't help but be inspired to talk a little bit about the young talented Superstars of the WWE.

Divas Champion, The Glamazon Beth Phoenix
Let’s be honest, the WWE Divas are Barbie’s. The Divas of Doom, Beth and Natalya are the only two actual female wrestlers in the WWE. Everyone else, I’m sad to say, are more "eye candy" than they are "in-ring performers." I haven’t actual sat and watched a Divas match, since the Divas wrestled in thongs and had occasional "nip slips." So I believe Beth Phoenix is a great Divas Champ.

Tag Team Champions, Air Boom
I actually like Air Boom. I honestly believe the match they had with Primo and Epico on WWE TLC was a perfect example of a great tag team wrestling match. Maybe even the best match of the night, in my opinion. I’m assuming they didn’t know what to do with Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne (aka Matt Sydal), and decided to put them together as a tag team. But they do have great chemistry, agility and their "high flying" styles go well together.

I like Primo and Epico. They’re cousins, so they have great chemistry as well. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler are good too, but I see other plans for Dolph. The Usos have great chemistry too, since they’re twin brothers. They also are keeping that Samoan legacy alive. I honestly hope they bring back more tag teams.

U.S. Champion, Zack Ryder
We all know charisma is a huge factor in becoming a top superstar in the WWE. Zack Ryder has a whole lot of charisma. I’m glad he's the U.S. Champ. His "Z, True Long Island Story" show is not only hilarious, it also lets some of the guys show their skills, cutting promos.

#Heel, the Showoff, Dolph Ziggler cuts amazing promos and I believe is definitely a potential for a spot as a top heel. I've said it before, I see him as the new Shawn Michaels when HBK first started as a heel. HBK was cocky and had his "cougar" valet, Sensational Sherri. Dolph has Vickie Guerrero and is coined, "The Showoff." Plus, they both sell for their opponents so well. I also believe Wade Barrett has potential to be a top heel. His rivalry with Randy Orton is pushing him to a higher level. Jack Swagger could be better but I don’t know why he's being held back. Sheamus is good too, but I don’t know if him being a baby face will help his career.

Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes
Ever since Cody Rhodes was with Legacy, he was always my favorite. The simple fact that he wrestles without kneepads shows his "old school" trained abilities. He's the son of The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. He has big shoes to fill and I believe he's making a name for himself. And I love, love, love that Cody brought back my favorite championship title design. The one, that the greatest of all time, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels made famous, the white classic IC belt. Cody has what it takes to be great.

World Champion, Daniel Bryan (aka the American Dragon, Bryan Danielson)
My earliest memory of Daniel Bryan is from Ring of Honor and other Indy shows. His hard work really paid off. The kids love him because he's such a "white meat baby face" but he still has the respect of the hardcore wrestling fans because he's such a great wrestler. I’m so glad to see him as the new World Champion.

The Miz is another guy who gets held back. If you notice, The Miz is like the new Rock. The Miz, The Rock. The Miz is wonderful on the mic, delivers catchphrases, and also idealized The Rock. He's good but can be better, and live up to being the most "must-see" superstar in the WWE. Alberto Del Rio has charisma as well. But I must admit, his promos have gotten very repetitive and can be crucial to his career.

WWE Champion, CM Punk
I see CM Punk as the new Macho Man Randy Savage. Kind of an "anti-hero," more like Randy Savage than Stone Cold Steve Austin. Having that "anti-hero/rebel" role makes him loved by the hardcore wrestling fans. Not to mention, the fact that we've followed his TNA, Ring of Honor, and Indy career. His famous "shoot" promo, shot him straight to top superstar status. I only wonder if the WWE office would accept a tattooed/pierced CM Punk as the "poster-boy" for WWE. Only time will tell.  

-Ernesto Heleno Jr.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who Can Be The Next Top Babyface

John Cena
My brother brought up a good point, about Cena becoming a heel on his last blog post, John Cena on Piper's Pit. His character or/and Gimmick needs a huge revamp, who knows maybe he needs to take some time off, like Hogan use too, back in the 80’s. It is a natural evolution, for most babyface gimmicks to turn heel, in order to elevate their character to an Icon status. There are many examples of this, such as Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, and Triple H. They are now the biggest Iconic figures in the wrestling business. I feel that their turn to heel’s elevated them to this status. Let me give you a sort of career time frame break down, on one of these superstars, I am going to pick The Rock. When he first burst on to the scene he was a crowd favorite, that soon changed and he became hated by everyone that used to cheer for him. The WWE realized that they can no longer cover up the fans boo’s so they took the next logical step, which was turning him heel. Then crowd loved him as they shouted with glee, “If you smell what The Rock is cooking”, he won the fans over and now he can leave the business for years, but we still chant his name Rocky, Rocky, Rocky.

CM Punk & Daniel Bryan
I believe one of the main reasons the WWE has not turn Cena heel is because there isn't a babyface character that can take his place, yea we have Randy Orton, Sheamus, and CM Punk. We also have young guys like Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan, but I don't think they are ready for this spot. Randy Orton's character is not a "White meat baby face" he is more of a wild card that may turn on any given time. CM Punk is also a sort of anti-hero/wild card character. Fans love to cheer him for all the rude comments and his anti-corporate ways. Sheamus is a fairly new wrestler and I don't feel he is ready to take that spot that Cena holds. Daniel Bryan is a huge star in the independent circuit, and is struggling to make an impact on SmackDown. Bryan won the world title on TLC, but I am certain his title reign will be short lived. I believe Bryan is a wrestling star and can out wrestle anyone in that locker room, but a Superstar he is not. Zack Ryder has a “colt following” because of his internet shows, but I was watching last week’s edition of Raw and not many fans chant his name. This proves that he has a long way to go! On the other hand he is the new United States Champion and will get more TV time, so who knows what the future will hold for the WOO WOO WOO Kid!

The Miz
I have come to a theory, which is, all heels make a great babyface. With that being said, I am going out on a limb here to say that many of you fans may protest to this statement, but my money would be on “The most must see WWE Superstar” The Miz. In my opinion, this guy is a combination of “The Hot Rod” Roddy Piper and The Rock. Piper was an average size man that had great mic skills, and always made his opponents look great in & out of the ring. Piper also had the ability to sell ticket, all the fans wanted to pay to his opponents kick his ass. The Miz is the exactly the same as Piper, with the only difference he has capture the WWE title. The Rock is an Iconic wrestling figure that always as the fans in the tip of his fingers, he can make them cheer or boo him. The Rock has captured many titles, but has also captured the respect of “the millions, & millions of The Rock fans”. The Rock made the cross to Movies and has become an accomplish actor. The Miz has made the cross to wrestling and has made it to the highest peak of the mountain. The Miz has the ability to crossover to main stream media and that is a huge advantage he has over many other WWE superstars. The fans love to hate him and in my opinion, if the WWE puts him in the ring with another heel the fans will cheer him on to victory. I truly believe that The Miz will become a huge mega babyface that can eventually take John Cena’s spot.

–Harrington Bayas

Monday, December 19, 2011

We Have New Champions in the WWE

Zack Ryder is the US Champion
Zack Ryder 

There were three new champions crowned during the TLC PPV. Zack Ryder defeated Dolph Ziggler to become the undisputed United States Champion. Ryder was on the brink of getting released from the WWE, but he worked his ass off to get an opportunity to be in the main event or even getting some TV time. Once he got a shot he ran with it and now he is enjoying the fruit of his labor.

Daniel Bryan

CM Punk & Daniel Bryan
The Big Show defeated Mark Henry to become a two time World Champion. His title reign was short lived because Mark Henry took out the Big Show, and Daniel Bryan took advantage of this opportunity. He cashed in his money in the bank contract and pinned the Show to become a World Champion. Congratulations to the new Champions!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Picture of the Week (December 18, 2011)

Kane hits the ring and chocked slammed John Cena; this was a great ending to a horrible Raw Supershow. What type of impact did he make?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Divas vs. Knockouts

Divas vs. Knockouts

The “Voting Booths” are closed and you the fans have voted that the WWE Divas are better wrestlers then the Impact Wrestling Knockouts. What the hell are you guys thinking, or better yet with what head are you guys thinking with? lol. The TNA Knockouts can out wrestle most of the Divas. Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Alicia Fox are the only Divas that can wrestle, in my opinion. Alicia Fox shows determination and her in-ring performance is getting better every time she steps into the ring. Yea I agree that the Divas look better physically, but they are models and in my opinion “Eye Candy”. I must admit that most of the Knockouts are former WWE Divas, but they are the ones that can actually wrestler and they can have an entertaining match. They are the females which the WWE views as has been or maybe even un-sexy and older, who knows what’s on their minds when they let these girls go. What I can say is that there is a demographic of people that enjoy older women, what they call MLIF or Cougars, not senior citizens like May Young, that’s just creepy.  Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, and Velvet Sky are the home grown talent, whom are gorgeous, sexy and can do their thing in the ring. They are talented females that will be the future of Impact Wrestling and/or TNA, who knows what they want to be called, now a day. So please let’s start thinking with our brain not our heads.        

-Harrington Bayas

Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, and Velvet Sky 

Monday, December 12, 2011

This Week in wrestling for December 11, 2011

Monday night Raw started off with Mr. Excitement himself John Laurinaitis making four main event matches to determine who will face the WWE Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk in the TLC PPV. The first match made was Randy Orton vs. The Miz. In my opinion this match was good. I still can’t believe they will not give a clean victory to one of the best heels the WWE have on their roster. The second match was Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan; this was also a good match. This match “finish” actually made Del Rio look good, I guess the WWE is tired of making Del Rio look, like a loser. Dolph Ziggler takes on “The Great White” Sheamus, chuck up another A+ match under Ziggler’s belt. Zack Ryder caused Ziggler the match, and to add insult to injury Ryder hits him with the “Rough Ride”, Woo Woo Woo, you know it.

Zack Ryder is challenging Dolph Ziggler for the US Title, after John Cena gave up his world title shot, which he won by defeating Zack Ryder. This was the fourth and final match to determine the number one contenders for the WWE Heavyweight Championship title. John Cena took on Ryder in a match that I thought was under rated by the fans. The crowd was into this match and they were cheering for their personal favorite, I feel that Ryder proved he is ready to be in the main event.  Ryder still lost, but he is still getting TV time, Woo Woo Woo, You Know It.

Booker T is making a comeback. The five times, five time, five time, five time, five time, WCW world champion is going to take on Cody Rhodes, in the TLC PPV. Cody Rhodes attacked Booker T while he was heading to his announcer’s site. Booker was absent most of the show, until he attacked Rhodes while he took on Bryan on this past SmackDown, can you dig that sucka?

We had women’s wrestling in the WWE and Impact wrestling. In the WWE we saw a Divas tag team match between Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya. The match ended when Kelly Kelly rolled up Natalya for the 123. On Impact wrestling we saw two matches, in the first match we saw Mickie James defeat Madison Rayne. In the second match we saw Traci Brook vs. the Knockout Champion and one half of the knockout tag team champion; Gail Kim. Traci had her orders to lay down in the middle of the ring after the bell rang, from Karen Jarrett, but Traci had other ideas.  She attempted to take out Kim, but Madison Rayne attacked her from behind to give the win to Kim. The match was the worst match on Impact wresting and it was still more entertaining than the Divas Match on WWE.

Gunner lost another match again to Garett Bischoff on Impact wrestling. After Gunner suffer the lost he attempted to hit a “Piledriver” in the outside of the ring, and finally his father comes to his senses and stop Gunner before he can deliver that damaging move. In a typical Eric Bischoff double cross, he pulls the protective mat and then told Gunner to deliver the “Piledriver”. Why is Garett Bischoff getting air time?


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