Thursday, June 30, 2011

I would like to play a game I like to call ‘Book the Show’.

Punk would go ‘over’ on Cena and win the title at Money in the Bank. We wouldn’t see him live at the arena the next night on Raw, but I would air a video showing him boarding an airplane on route to Orlando, Florida. The following week I would have Vince McMahon explain that in the contract they both signed states that while champion, he is required to wrestle and defend the title, in the WWE. Punk would be obligated to wrestle until he loses the title, the feud between Cena will continue. The main event match for SummerSlam would be Punk vs. Cena with a special guest referrer, The Rock. The Rock would aide Punk to win this match, setting up something for WrestleMania 28. Let us know, how you would ‘book the Show’ on the blog site or on our facebook account.

WWE Superstars

I never got the chance to watch WWE Superstars. Tonight was the first time I got to tune in since the original WWE Superstars, back in the 1990s. The first thing I noticed was the “Superstars”. I say “Superstars” because WWE does not promote them as "wrestlers" anymore. No John Cena. No Randy Orton. No CM Punk. No Miz. What I saw was a few good matches featuring Superstars like JTG, Chris Masters, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Gail Kim, etc. Basically anyone you don’t see on Raw or SmackDown. These guys are trying to make a name for themselves, at the bottom of the ladder. The main event was a six-man tag team match between Trent Barreta, Jimmy and Jey Uso vs. Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd. This match was definitely the best match of the show. The highlight of the match and the whole show itself was Trent Barreta giving Tyson Kidd a superplex, landing on top of the four other guys on the outside. It was very surprising to me because we only get to see spots like that on pay per views. Bottom line is that WWE has a lot of young faces who are the future of the business and they don’t know what to do with them. They want to push guys like Mason Ryan (the poor man's Batista) as the new young incredibly strong guy who can go toe to toe with guys like Kane and Big Show. Ezekiel Jackson's best move is a three body slams, thing that he does. To quote The Miz, Really?... Really?..... Really? This is why CM Punk said what he said on Monday Night Raw. There are guys in that locker room working their asses off to get to the top, but won’t get their chance because they're not big enough. This is why Shawn Michaels had this animosity against Vince McMahon. Shawn worked his ass off and made sure his match was the one to remember in order to get the respect he desired. All I’m saying is that WWE would rather push a no talent big guy over a hard working smaller guy. It’s ridiculous. On that note, I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen on Monday, when McMahon addresses CM Punk's shoot promo.

- Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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CM Punk’s Great promo

Last Monday night CM Punk gave us a great shoot and/or work- promo, that made me want to buy a WWE Pay Per View, again.  In my opinion Punk did is job, which was selling tickets for the upcoming PPV. I mean, even thought the promo was all part of the show; we haven’t seen these types of promos since the early 90’s. I agree with some of his statements Punk made, specially the one about Cena. He states, I don’t hate Cena, but I hate this idea that Cena is viewed as the best. I am super excited for what may happen with this story line. I really hope the WWE is not letting this guy leave the company. I really think, Punk already signed his contract, and we the fans are being played for fools. The WWE wouldn’t allow these sorts of words just to be aired, they could have cut off the mic at anytime, but they didn’t.  I really hope CM punks capture the WWE Heavyweight championship from Cena, and this story line continues. Leave us your comments on the blogs site or on our facebook account.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Monday, June 27, 2011

The latest wrestling news

Chavo Guerrero
Hello again wrestling fans. The WWE and Chavo Guerrero have come to terms for his release. Chavo wrote on his twitter account “I asked for my release. I was just tired of not being used correctly.” I am disappointed and excited for him at the same time. He is a good wrestler that never received that big push he deserved. I only remember two major pushes he had; the first one was as Kerwin White and the second was when he was a member of “La Familia”. Chavo held many titles such as WCW & WWE Cruiserweight Championship, WCW & WWE Tag Team Championship, and the ECW World Championship. He is in an excellent position because there are two other wrestling companies that can benefit from his wrestling skills, Impact Wrestling and ROH. I can see him excel in ROH, rather than Impact Wrestling. If Chavo joins Impact Wrestling he will remain a mid card wrestler. During his final day Chavo was jobbing for the entire SmackDown roster, which is a shame, because he is a talented wrestler. Chavo states that he “will never go back to being underutilized and watching people who suck get a bigger pushes than me!”  I wish Chavo the best of luck and hope to see him at future wrestling event.

-Harrington Bayas                                                           
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sunny in Queens, New York

Sunny & The Wrestling Fans Review

We met the original WWE Diva and Hall of Famer, Sunny at The Wrestling Universe, we had an amazing time. We had ample time with Sunny. We talked about our first meeting 15 years ago. She signed an action figure and an old picture of the ‘Body Donnas’. Over all great event! Hope to see you at the next signing, until next time wrestling fans.

Body Donnas

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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The original WWE Diva Sunny

Hello again wrestling fans, today my family and I are heading to the Wrestling Universe in Queens, New York. We are going to meeting the original WWE Diva, Sunny. She was one of the first WWE superstars we ever met; the funny thing is we met her at the original Wrestling Universe about 15 year ago. We met Sunny & Chris Candido, she was in the WWE and he was in ECW. Like always Jack (store owner) treated us like family and made us feel welcomed. The superstars were enjoying them self which made the entire experience awesome.

Chris Candido, Sunny, and The wrestling Fans Review

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Dolph Ziggler

The United States Championship changed hands on WWE’s Capital Punishment PPV. Dolpd Ziggler defeated Kofi Kingston via a sleeper hold. Ziggler also defeated Kingston for his first Intercontinental championship. Ziggler is one of the youngest superstars that you can vote for in our poll. Ziggler debuted as Chavo Guerrero‘s Caddy when Chavo changed his name to Kerwin White.  Ziggler later joined the Spirit Squad, they became tag team champions, and the WWE recognized all five members as tag team champions.  He became World Heavyweight champion, because his ’business associate’ Vickie Guerrero awarded him the title after the then champion Edge used a banned move (the Spear) to defeat Ziggler a week earlier. Theodore Long came back to SmackDown that same night and made the match between Ziggler and Edge for the World title. Edge ended Ziggler title reign, which lasted only 11 min. Dolph Ziggler is young and his future is bright, I wouldn’t be surprise to him in the world title mix. 

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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Picture of the Week (June 25, 2011)

No Gimmick Needed” Chris Candido

One of the most underrated wrestlers of all time “No Gimmick Needed” Chris Candido. He was a member of Triple Threat and held the ECW Television Championship. I am true fan when I say he was one of the best we ever had in this sport. The Bell tolls ten times in his honor.   

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Alex Riley

I am conducting a survey, on which young wrestler do you believe has the potential to become a great WWE Superstar. The wrestlers are Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater, Drew Mcintyre, Johnny Curtis, Justin Gabriel, Zack Ryder, Sin Cara, Yoshi Tatsu, Jinder Mahal, and Alex Riley. For those who don’t know these wrestlers, I will be posting small bios on them.If you have a name to add to this list leave us a comment.
Alex Riley is the rookie sensation that ran wild in the WWE official developmental territory, Florida Championship Wrestling. He won the FCW Tag Team championship with his partner Scotty Goldman (Colt Cabana). Alex won the FCW Championship by defeating three men, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett. Alex Riley made his WWE debuted on NXT, his mentor was The Miz. He didn’t win NXT, but The Miz signed him to a ‘personal service contract’, which allows Alex to accompany him to the ring. We just recently saw Alex break away from his mentor and they will meet at Capital Punishment. I like this guy, and he may indeed be a star in the making. I really don’t see how having these two young stars feud benefit either one of them, but the WWE has a master plan, hopefully The Miz or Alex Riley is a part of that plan.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review.
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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Woo Woo Woo You Know It Bro!

Wow, I consider myself a true wrestling fan and I can’t believe that haven’t notice this guy that has so much charisma, yes bro, I am talking about none other than Zack Ryder. The Woo Woo Woo Kid is a hit on the internet and rightfully so he proclaimed himself the Internet Champion. Why isn’t the WWE getting the picture? The fans want him on TV, but the WWE never gives the fans what they want. Prime example I was excited when John Cena was drafted to SmackDown and then at the end of the night he is drafted back to Raw. There are dozens of sign with his name on it all over Monday night Raw, but Zack Ryder doesn’t get any air time.  Everyone may remember Zack Ryder as part of the Major Brothers, that time is over now we are dealing with a rookie star that is ready to break into main event.  He has held the WWE Tag Team Championship with then partner Curt Hawkins, but now he isn’t even seen on WWE TV. What do we have to do here, should we camp out in front of the WWE headquarters, do we riot, or should we all write nasty emails to the WWE writers? Give this kid a break, I ashore you that he will not disappoint you. Last Monday night in Long Island, New York, Zack Ryder wrestled and gained a victory over his former partner Primo, this match can be viewed on  The writers were scare to use Zack Ryder on Raw that night because the fans will cheer for him rather than the wrestler the writers are pushing. Zack is a native New Yorker so I am cheering for him and when you see his YouTube channel you’ll become an instant broskis, so take care, spike your hair, woo woo woo you know it bro! 

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Friday, June 17, 2011

Picture of the Week (June 17, 2011)

This picture is from the past you may recognize him or not. By seen this guy can you really see a superstar.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why is The Miz being missed used?

The Miz competed in a match with the Hall of Famer, the legend, the Icon, Rowdy Roddy Piper last Monday night on Raw. The special guest referee was Alex Riley of course, and they put up “five thousand dollars of their own money” for whom ever wins the match. Piper won the match with the help of Alex Riley, but this makes the Miz look like a punk A** B***h. Don’t get me wrong the match was little entertaining, but how is this lost going to help the image of their top heel’s on Raw. Once CM Punk leaves for his sabbatical, who’s going fill his shoes, The Miz, that’s who. Alberto Del Rio has his hands full with the Mid-carders. R-Truth, Come on, if he wins the title at Capital Punishment I will lose total respect for the WWE World Title. Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre are young guys that I don’t think can carry the WWE title, for the moment. Jack Swagger had his chances, but he blew it, I like Jack but for the moment he has a lot to prove. We also have a young superstar that is gaining popularity via his YouTube channel, his name is Zack Ryder, but first he has to be seen on Raw, before we can put him on the list for the title. It all comes down to one man and his name is The Miz, so having him look like a fool will end up hurting the WWE. We would like to hear from you, leave us a comment on the blog or on our facebook account.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mr. Anderson is the new TNA Champion

For those who haven’t heard it yet Mr. Anderson captured the TNA World title last Sunday night at Slammiversary, by defeating the then current champion Sting. It was a good match, but not the main event of the night. I am actually excited that Mr. Anderson is getting a second chance to carry the title. His new gimmick is not really original, in my opinion it reminds me of a beer drinking, Texas Rattlesnake named Steve Austin. When Anderson was in the WWE he had an awesome gimmick, but the WWE never saw him as a World Champion. I enjoyed some of Mr. Anderson segments especially when he dressed up as the original Sting; it brought me back to the old WCW days. I really am expecting a lot for this title reign, but who will be his next opponent? I believe TNA’s roster is full of top young wrestlers that can have great matches with the new champ.  Bobby Roode is one of them, but he is on the disable list, Eric Young, Desmond Wolfe and D’Angelo Dinero. These guys are the future of TNA, but we can always count on the older guys getting the opportunities first. Kurt Angle could be the next in line for the title after his victory over Jeff Jarrett or is RVD back in the title picture? Only time will tell. Leave us comments on our blog site or facebook account on who would you like to see face Mr. Anderson for the TNA world title.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday Night Raw is Predictable

Hello again wrestling fans. I don’t know about you guys, but the last episode of Monday Night Raw was a little predictable, not in the sense of in ring action, but the match making. As Raw began, we saw the crowning of the 2011 Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine (which if I may add, I had predicted) with the Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon

Saturday, June 11, 2011

WWE Video Game

Hello again wrestling. I saw a small clip from a G4, in which The Miz and Cory Ledesmart talk all about the WWE game schedule to be release on November 2011. They show what the game actually looks like. This is a must see. Click Here

Friday, June 10, 2011

Picture of the Week (June 10, 2011)

Latino Heat, Eddie Guerrero is a great Mexican Legend that is still missed. The crazy thing is that his name lives on with his wife Vickie and his daughter Shaul Guerrero. Shaul is the announcer for FCW.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Captain Charisma is back

Last week’s, WWE Friday Night SmackDown ended wonderfully. Captain Charisma is back. Christian did exactly what I wanted him to do. He turned heel, not only striking Randy Orton with the World Championship belt, but he even left the ring with it. In my opinion, he deserves his chance at the top. I wasn’t happy Christian lost the title after win it five days earlier. I felt it was disrespectful to him. But it seems like it was the WWE's plan all along.  Was it really their plan or do they actually listen to the WWE Universe or even listened to me? SmackDown needed a top heel to go against Orton. All the main heels are on Raw. They even made Mark Henry turn against his fans in order to add more heels on SmackDown. I believe Christian can be a great World Champion. He can draw money. This whole Christian vs. Orton feud is the main reason why I've started to watch SmackDown. Move aside Randy Orton, you over-rated, fake Stone Cold Steve Austin. Christian will be taking over as the champ on SmackDown.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Ernesto's view on WWE Tough Enough

I want to talk a little about WWE Tough Enough. At the beginning, I didn’t really see any of the competitors as my "favorite." I guess no one stood out to me, but towards the later episodes, they focused a lot on Martin, Luke, Jeremiah and Andy. Personally I always saw Andy as a WWE Star. He has that "look" that WWE loves to have on their roster, meaning big powerful guys. Most of the other 14 men and women were small quick guys. Andy and Eric were the only big guys in the competition. They kept Eric long enough, only because of his look, other than that, he sucked. So Andy stood out to me, in that sense. Martin showed so much improvement, it was guaranteed he'd be in the final two. His injury messed up that chance, but who knows; maybe we'll see him in the near future. Jeremiah showed potential with his charisma and athleticism, but he needed to pace himself. With a little more training, he can definitely make it in the WWE one day. Most likely, Luke will be the Tough Enough winner. His only fault is that he's too cocky and selfish to put others ‘over’. Other than that, he can most definitely be Tough Enough. So I believe Luke will win, but I think Andy still has a chance, if he can somehow outshine Luke. We'll see what happens tonight at the Season Finale of WWE Tough Enough.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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