Wednesday, November 30, 2011

John Cena on Piper's Pit

John Cena & Roddy Piper

Hello wrestling fans, just wanted to talk about how last night's WWE Raw Supershow started off, with Piper's Pit featuring John Cena. Personally, I loved everything Rowdy Roddy Piper said through-out the whole segment. Right now John Cena is loved by many fans, but there is a huge fan base, the hardcore wrestling fans, who see the sport of professional wrestling for more than just the good guys vs. the bad guys. I have huge respect for every wrestler/superstar, but when I see that Cena is getting booed being a "white-meat baby face," and the "poster-boy" for the WWE, it goes to show that he is losing respect from the hardcore wrestling fans. My brother and I were there at the WrestleMania Press Conference when someone threw a box of Fruity Pebbles at Cena as soon as he came out of his limousine. If he continues on this path, his career will be over before he knows it. He has no choice but to become heel. The Rock was getting booed every night, until he finally told the fans where to go. He changed his attitude and gained the respect of the fans and now he's a huge superstar and one of the forefathers of the "attitude" era. John Cena is still young and has a long career ahead of him. Becoming heel wouldn’t ruin his career, it would improve it. He can turn face later in the future, but bottom line is that he's loses respect and I believe its goanna kill his career. It seems to me, that Piper was telling him this exact thing. That he's losing the respect of the fans and he needs to do something about it. I would love to hear what everyone else thinks so please leave a comment.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr 

John Cena & Roddy Piper

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

John Morrison left the WWE

John Morrison & Melina

John Morrison WWE contract expired today, and the WWE attempted to re-sing him, but Morrison declined their offer. The rumors are that he will be heading to TNA with his real life girl friend Melina. I wish them the best of luck, but I can’t see how changing companies will help Morrison’s lack of charisma. He was jobbing for the latter part of his WWE career. He will be heading to wrestling company full of ex-WWE stars, to which I can’t see them stepping down and letting him bask in the spot light. On the other hand Melina can make a huge impact in the Knockout division. Melina has the “it” factor that Morrison lacks. If I was part of the creative team I would also hire Morrison ex-partner Adam Birch better known as Joey Mercury. The idea is to put Morrison where he can produce the best quality matches and that is in the tag team division. TNA is in need of a good tag team, now that Beer Money has split. This would be the perfect launching pad for him, look what Bobby Rhodes and Bully Ray are doing as single competitors. The move to TNA is a rumor and it can always change, but if he does make the move to TNA, I really hope they do right by him. 

-Harrington Bayas

The Tommy Dreamer TV - Episode 6

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Miz Interview on 19 Action News in Cleveland

This is a side of the Miz that not many people get to see. Check out this interview of the Miz, by Chris Van Vliet of 9 Action News in Cleveland, OH.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

The Wrestling Fans Review would like to wish you a happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WWE Survivor Series Weekend

Hello wrestling fans, my WWE Survivor Series weekend started Friday morning at Madison Square Garden. I attempted to meet CM Punk. When I got there, the first 150 people were already there since about 3 a.m. I still stuck around to see CM Punk, try to win prizes, and get a chance to play the new WWE 12 video game. Well I didn’t get a chance to play the game, but I did win a Survivor Series T-shirt for answering a WWE trivia question on stage with Jimmy Hart. I also got to see CM Punk and hear the Q & A they had. Honestly the questions they picked weren’t even about wrestling and were ridiculous. I must admit, CM Punk doesn’t seem like a cool or approachable guy, but I didn’t meet him so I’m not really sure. I would like to congratulation him for winning the WWE Championship Title on Sunday.

Saturday began right across the street from MSG at Kmart. My brother and I went to meet Zack Ryder and the Bella Twins. Waiting on line, we all got to meet referee Charles Robinson aka "Little Naitch" in WCW with the Four Horsemen. It was fun waiting on line trying to figure out how to tell the difference between Brie and Nikki Bella but one thing we all knew was that they are even more gorgeous in person than on TV. This weekend, I became an official member of the Zack Pack. (Editors’ Note: You became one cause of me, WOO WOO WOO, YOU KNOW IT) The Long Island Iced Z is doing his thing and growing a huge fan base. Throughout the whole match between John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler, the whole arena kept yelling "WE WANT RYDER!!" Why hasn’t he gotten his U.S. title chance? Are you serious bro? Anyways, meeting Ryder and the Bella Twins was great and Ryder even had his Internet Championship right on the table. They were all nice and you could tell Ryder was having a blast being in his hometown, interacting with his fans.

Sunday morning we began with a trip to Garden City, NY's Roosevelt Field Mall to see The Miz and Eve Torres. One word, AWESOME!!! The Miz is a great guy, not only did he sign the photo I had, he even signed my belt. Eve is unbelievably gorgeous in person and super nice. With the exception of the "mall cops" thinking they're real cops, it was still a great signing. I would definitely go again.

The energy inside MSG before the show was incredible. Broski headbands were already sold out, but I managed to get one pair, once we got inside the arena. The atmosphere inside the arena is nothing like watching it at home. The NYC crowd just could not help show their NYC attitude by mostly rooting for the heels. A perfect example was when Sin Cara was on the floor with an injury; we can’t help but yell out "YOU FUCKED UP!!" It was awesome. The biggest boo's of the night were definitely John Cena, Mason Ryan, and shockingly John Morrison. The biggest pop of the night is a tie between The Rock and Zack Ryder. Second to them were CM Punk and Cody Rhodes, then other tough guys like Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler, Miz, Truth, etc. I must admit, I give Survivor Series a, 7 out of 10. I didn’t like that the U.S. title match didn’t turn into a triple threat match, giving Ryder his shot, and that Daniel Bryan didn’t cash in his Money in the Bank contract after the match between Big Show and Mark Henry. I hated the ending with Cena and Rock winning but it goes with the storyline, since the Awesome Truth split up last night on Raw. Overall, the show was awesome and I can’t wait to go back. This weekend was exhausting for me, but it was well worth it.

- Ernesto Heleno Jr

R-Truth is Suspended

R-Truth (Ron Killings) has been suspended for violating the company’s Talent Wellness Program. This is his first violation so he will be out of action for 30 days. This explains why The Miz turned on him last night on Raw. 

The Tommy Dreamer TV - Episode 6

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Miz & Eve Torres in New York City

My family and I just met the Awesome one himself, The Miz and Eve Torres, in Long Island New York. We arrived at 9:00 am before the stores were open, but we couldn’t find and entrance. When we finally found our way in and found the line there were about 50 people in front of us. We didn’t have our tickets, so we needed to find the store to purchase them, which was also a mission within itself. Steiner Sports Store was selling tickets for 50 dollars. Each ticket was for both Eve and The Miz, which was a great deal if you ask me. What I didn’t care for was that they weren’t selling separate tickets for each WWE superstars. I needed to spend an additional $50 to get an extra autograph of The Miz. What I did enjoy was that we were told there wasn’t going to be a photo up, but there was one and that was AWESOME! We got lots of great pictures from the balcony, until “Paul Blart Mall Cop” came to interrupt us and give us a hard time. We had a blast, The Miz was great, he gave us conversation Eve was beautiful and very nice to. Over all I recommend Steiner Sports, if there is another upcoming event I will be there!

The Miz

Eve Torres

Eve Torres

The Miz

This Week In Wrestling (November 20, 2011)

This week in wrestling we saw The Michael Cole challenge. This was a huge joke. Jim Ross went head to head with Michael Cole, what was at stake? JR’s Job. There was an arm wrestling contest, a dance off and finally the biggest joke of all a weight contest. CM Punk came to save the segment. He gave Cole a dose of reality, letting him know that Jim Ross is the best announcer in the history of Pro-Wrestling. CM Punk put Michael Cole in the Anaconda Vice that was priceless.  John Leaurinaitis hits the ring and announced that CM Punk will team up with the Big Show to take on The World Champion Mark Henry & The WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio. This match was good and finally Del Rio got a win over CM Punk and after the match he put Punk in an arm lock.

Mick Foley made his return to the WWE. Foley was telling the fans that he believes John Cena is one of the best performers the WWE has ever seen.  That is Blasphemy! Foley wanted to celebrate John Cena’s career by having a segment of “This is your Life”. Foley brought out Cena’s little league coach, his former tag team partner Bull Buchanan and his father John Cena Sr. John Cena Sr. was hilarious, questioning the fans for booing his son and telling us the fans, that Cena is a hard worker. Foley stats to announce the last person from Cena’s past and The Rock music hits the air waves. He enters the ring hits Foley with a Rock Bottom and leaves the ring, while his entrance music is still playing.

Santino Morella tells the audience that he will put his career back on track tonight and that next time he comes back to Boston he will be a Champion. Kevin Nash hits the ring and takes out Santino Morella with a big boot. Then he starts talking and “CLICK!”

Finally The Rock has come back to Boston; this was one of the best promos I have seen in years. He calls out the Awesome Truth, to the ring. Then John Cena hit the ring and the insults start flying. The best quotes of the night were “Cena Lady Parts are trending world wide” and “Boots to Asses”. Finally The Rock hits R-Truth with a rock Bottom. He then takes the Miz off John Cena shoulder and then hits him with the Rock Bottom.  Leaving John Cena and their opponents for Survivor Series laid-out in the middle of the ring. While Raw ends we see The Rock giving Cena the “you can see me” sign, awesome, show.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Picture of the Week (November 19, 2011)

WOO WOO WOO You Now It Bro 

Divas Picture of the Week ( November 19, 2011)

The Bella Twins are in highlighted on this week’s edition of the Divas Picture, because they were great when we met them. The only thing that scared me was that Brie Bella’s hand shake was firm, just like a man. 

Zack Ryder & The Bella Twins in New York City

Hello again wrestling fans. This is Survivor Series weekend in New York City and there have been many events all around the tri-state area. My brother and I went to this special event at Kmart on 34th Street. We met Brie and Nikki, The Bella Twins. We also met the Woo Woo Woo Kid himself, Long Islands own Zack Ryder. We made it to the line at 10:00 am, the line looked short, but as I walked around the store to view the turn out, I notice there were more fans in the store already in line. While waiting on line we met referrer Charles Robison who was kind enough to stop and pose for pictures, he also signed autographs for us. I have to admit that Kmart did a wonderful job in maintaining order and giving us the right information for this event. Once they arrived the autograph session began and everything went smoothly. I got two pictures personalize, even thought my brother said it wasn’t going to happen, some video and great pictures. When we attend these events we always meet fans and spark up conversation pertaining to wrestling. We met three guys from South Jersey, which gave us some ideas on how the Steiner Sport signings operate, to which I would like to thank and we will see you there. Steiner Sports is hosting an autograph event with The Miz and Eve Torres, tomorrow in Long Island. We also met Luis and Richard on the line. I would like to give a special “thank you” to Richard for getting me an extra autograph from the Bella Twins. I strongly advise that if you’re going to attend any free WWE signing events, head out early in order to avoid delays or not getting an autograph. Over all it was a fun time and I can’t wait for tomorrow, our Survivor Series weekend will continue.

-Harrington Bayas

Brie Bella
Zack Ryder & The Bella Twins
Nikki Bella
Zack Ryder

Sunday, November 13, 2011

In memory of Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero signature 

Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero

Our friend Nelson took these pictures and got my brother’s WWE title signed, many years ago. Thank you, Nelson.

This Week in Wrestling of November 13, 2011

This week in wrestling, Zack Ryder finally made it to the main event of Raw along side of John Cena. Throughout most of the match, the Miz & R-Truth whopped Ryder’s ass all over the ring, but towards the end of the match here come SuperCena who attempted to gain a victory over the Awesome Truth. The high light of the match was when Ryder & Cena hit a double “Five Knuckle Shuffle” on their opponents. The top heel of company (The Miz) won the match with the help of his partner.  I am super excited that Ryder is in the main event, and  I am not worried at all that he had is ass handed to him on a silver platter, because apparently no one will take SuperCena baby face spot away from him.

Now to the eye candy portion of the show, Kelly Kelly is on the cover of the new Maxim Magazine. She was interrupted by the Divas Champion Beth Phoenix who was accompany by Natalya, I thought there was a cat fight a brewing , but Eve (I don't understand why she cut her Latin last name out) And Alicia (Rihanna look alike) Fox hit the ring for the save.  The segment was longer then an average Divas match. I love all the Divas, I am just poking a little fun, so don't take any offence to any of the crap I say about the Divas J

John Morrison finally won a match; I guess he’s out of the dog house. It's funny that Melina's 90 day Non-compete agreement is over and Morrison wins his first match in months.  I guess Morrison was given a 90 day shut your mouth and be happy we don't let you go also punishment. The other guy that won a match was former World Champion Jack Swagger. He was the butt of the joke last week when he lost to Santino Marella after the Muppets interfered during the match. Marella should be really careful with what he drinks; he gets suspended for violating the wellness program. Hey you know who also won a match on Raw? Nuestro Campion De la WWE (translation Our WWE Champion) Alberto Del Rio. He defeated a mid-card wrestler Kofi Kingston. This win really showed how good Del Rio truly is, not really. I wouldn't be surprise if CM Punk wins next Sunday at Survivor Series.

Kevin Nash, who was absents last week on Raw, graced us with presence this week and explained why he took out his best friend Triple H. He goes on to says.."CLICK" a la CM Punk.

On Impact Wrestling Ronnie Ortiz from the Jersey Shore made his in ring debut, alongside EY, Eric Young. They took on Robbie E & Robbie T in a tag team match. The wrestlers carried the match, until the end when Ronnie came in, hit a clothes line, a body slam and then covered Robbie E for the win. These sets of moves, look & sounds familiar, it should because it was the same scenario the WWE used with Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi at WrestleMania 27. Impact wrestling, you are guilty of stealing another move out of the WWE play book.

The new Impact World Champion Bobby Roode was in the ring gloating over his win and his first World Champion reign. Last week Roode defeated his best friend James Storm, by hitting him over his head with a beer bottle. His best quote was "are you booing me or chanting Roode, Roode… this new generation, is a generation of selfishness and I am the leader of new generation”, I can see a superstar being born right before my eyes. Sting announces that James Storm is getting a rematch for the World title on that night. We then see Storm in the locker room area bleeding from his head and he proclaims he will still take on the champion. The finish of the match was great, Roode helped his ex partner to his feet because Storm was unable to continue due to the lost of blood.  Roode asked the referee if the match was over, to which the referee responded no, so Roode put Storm in a small package and got the 123. AJ Style and Kazarian rushed to Storm’s aid. Style dammed a match with Roode at Turning Point, to which Sting agreed to.

On SmackDown I saw a team of Latin wrestler, getting TV time, new comer Epico, Hunico, and Primo. Epico is the cousin of Primo and nephew of Carlos Colón; he comes from a great Wrestling family. Hunico is of Mexican descent, but born in El Paso, Texas. I don’t understand why all Latin wrestlers in the WWE are depicted as Mexican or gang members. I am noticing a hint of racism. First of all, the Colón family is well known, all over the world and they are Puerto Ricans, not Mexican, so the WWE needs to stop putting bandanas on their head like Cholos. Secondly not all Latino are in gangs, we just have big families J

Pro- Wrestling lost another legend this week, 80 year old Killer Karl Kox. He was a star in the late 60’s and early 70’s for WCW promotion. Henry Godwinn was involved in a terrible car accident, in which he miraculously survived. Kamala had one of his feet amputated due to complications from diabetes. Our thoughts & prayers go out to Killer Karl Kox families for their lost. We should also prayer that Henry Godwinn and Kamala have a speedy recovery. Now, we should celebrate the life of one of the greatest Mexican Luchador, Eddie Guerrero. On November 13, 2005 I learned of Eddie’s passing, and I was in shock. I have been told that I am a non emotional guy, but that night I couldn’t hold my tries back, he was an average size man that showed the world that with hard work and determination you can accomplish anything. So let’s ring the bell ten times for, a father, a husband, the man that paved the way for the Cruiserweight or X division, for a WWE Champion, a Hall of Famer, an Icon, a legend, for “lying, cheating and stealing”, for Latino Heat, for “VIVA LA RAZA”. We will also miss you, EDDIE, EDDIE, EDDIE!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Picture of the Week (November 12, 2011)

I was looking through my wrestling picture folders and stumbled upon this classic promo picture. I thought it was only fare to share it with you, the fans of this blog site. Isaac Yankem, who is now known as Kane, is a perfect example of the comic book characters the WWE then WWF created. What are your favorite classic characters from 80’s or 90’s? Leave your response on the comment section or on our facebook page.

Henry O. Godwinn

Former WWE superstar, Mark Canterbury, better known as Henry O. Godwinn was in a terrible car accident on November 8, 2011. Law enforcement reported that his car was driving off a cliff; he miraculously survived and was flown to the nearest hospital in critical condition. All of our prayer should be with him and his family for a speedy recovery. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Divas Picture of the Week (November 10, 2011)

The spotlight is on Melina Perez, on this week’s edition of Divas picture of the Week. She is now free to enter Impact Wrestling and become Knockout Champion. When she does make her return to the ring it will be a huge Turning Piont.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Warrior speaks on the NYC demonstrator

The Ultimate Warrior had a few comments about the people that are demonstrating all around the country, he called them a bunch of poseurs that are fueling the same corporations they are trying to take down. The Warrior states “I find it a little ironic that most of these kids own iPads & iPhones and all these material things. They’re a big part of the consumerism that goes on in this country.” He goes on further to say “The biggest statement you can make is not to participate in the consumerism of it all. Don’t buy the stuff. Start living your own life. Practice what you preach.”  I agree with the Warrior on this one. These people are there crying about all the things that are wrong with this country, but believe that sitting on their a**, in downtown New York will make a difference. Stop buying iPhones and things of that nature… wait a minute, if no one buys them they won’t make them. I can’t live without my iPhone, so please, please, I beg of you, go out there  to buy as many as you can.

-Harrington Bayas

Your Votes For The Best Wrestler Are In

CM Punk

The polling booth is closed and the answers are in to the questions posted a couple of weeks ago. Who is the best worker (wrestler) in the WWE and TNA? The winners are CM Punk& Kurt Angle, and I must agree with you guys they are the hottest superstars in their wrestling company. I must disagree, with the low ranking of guys like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes.   These guys are just waiting for that main event door to open and they will kick it in. My favorite superstar in this list is Dolph Ziggler, this guy is great on the mic and he makes every one of his opponents look like a million dollars. On Impact Wrestling, you guys voted Austin Aries really low, this guy is one of the best competitor in the X-Division. D’Angelo Dinero did not get one vote that was crazy, I really feel bad for him.  Bobby Roode got 15% of the votes and now he is the new World Champion, mark my words, he going to become a top superstar.

-Harrington Bayas

Kurt Angle

Monday, November 7, 2011

WWE Greatest Rivalries: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart

Hello wrestling fans, just wanted to talk a little bit about the new WWE Greatest Rivalries: Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart. It is a must-see DVD. As everyone knows, I'm a huge Shawn Michaels fan, and for a long time, I disliked Bret "The Hitman" Hart. But after watching, I gained a whole new perspective and respect for the "Excellence of Execution." Of course HBK will always be remembered as the greatest in-ring performer of all time, I personally believe The Hitman is the greatest technical wrestler of all time. I started thinking about when I was younger; my favorite matches were always the tag team matches. Bret and Shawn talk about their careers in their respective tag teams, The Rockers and The Hart Foundation. They always had respect for each other and were actual friends. Once they became singles competitors, Bret was heading towards stardom and Shawn was right behind him. Watching the interview between Bret and Shawn, you start to understand that the whole rivalry started from miscommunication and distrust. They both feel responsible and regret for the whole "Montreal Screw job," and as we all know, they "buried the hatchet." I've had many, many, many discussions and arguments about this specific rivalry, and there will always be those Hitman fans and HBK fans who will argue about who's the best. No matter what, I will always love wrestling and I respect every single wrestler that goes out to the ring just to entertain us the fans, but I have to say that The Heartbreak Kid will always be the best. Thank you and go watch the DVD, it’s awesome.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wrestling And Social Media A Match Made In Heaven

I love social media, don’t you? I mean every time a wrestling company fires someone they hit twitter and invite everyone to a release party, right Maryse. Then we have Chris Master alleging sexual misconduct from the head of the SmackDown creative team. I will not mention names folks I don’t have BIG bucks to pay a lawyer if I get sued. We also have wrestlers that take jabs at other wrestlers that are still in the company. Chavo we all know that Cena sucks salty donkey ba***…sorry folks I forget kids can also read these things, Chavo thank you for reminding us, the obvious. Then we have wrestlers that are still under contract who call out the guys who left the company years ago. CM Punk, yes all the fans agree you are the best in the world at what you do. Sorry, you’re the best wrestler in the world we don’t want gimmick infringement, right Jericho. What I am getting at is that Social Media is a good tool for un-employed wrestlers to voice their opinion after being treated unfairly while under contract by their wrestling company. Wrestling companies like the WWE is also using Social Media as a tool to enhance their storylines. Kevin Nash is a prime example, he wrote on his twitter account that he refused a contract from the WWE because it was too low, really bro, the WWE is the biggest wrestling company on the planet. There isn’t any other wrestling company that can pay you better. I love Social Media, because we have people that like to talk sh*t, like me ;-) 

- Harrington Bayas

This Week in Wrestling for November 4, 2011

The Muppets invade Raw this past Monday night and we found out that Sheamus is related to the Muppets. The Rock accepted the proposition   to be John Cena partner for Survivor Series 2011 vs. The Awesome Truth. We also found out that our WWE Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Riooooo will take on the voice of the voiceless CM Punk on that same card.

We saw Zack Ryder win another match on Raw, Woo Woo Woo you know it bro.

I am really upset that WWE is making Del Rio look like a fool every chance they can. The match on Raw with the Big Show is a prime example, Del Rio had that match in the bag, but in the end the Big Show got the win. This win would have given Del Rio credibility as a champion.

I also missed Kevin Nash this week, what happen?

Why does John Cena need Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to defeat the Awesome Truth? He clearly can defeat them both on Monday night Raw without his help.

There is a new Impact Wrestling World Champion and his name is Bobby Roode. What happen TNA, are we taking a page from the WWE playbook for passing the World title around like a joint. It was a great match, because we were a witness to the birth of a new heel on Impact Wrestling. What may kill Roode would be if he joined Eric Bischoff and the rest of Immortal. While we are on the subject of Immortal & Bischoff, shouldn’t they change the name of the group and why is Bischoff’s son getting so much air time?

We also were witness to the crowning of the new Impact wrestling Knockout tag team Champions Gail Kim and Madison Rayne. They defeated Tara & Brooke Tessmacher, whom were wearing the hottest outfits I have seen on them all year, which alone is news itself.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro from the Jersey Shore made his appearance on Impact Wrestling this past Thursday. Robbie E. alone with Rob Terry called out Eric Young and his special guest Ronnie to the ring. The outcome was that Ronnie was whipped by Robbie while Rob was holding Ronnie down. This last sentence sounds like a tongue twister.

Four former WWE Wrestler, are now free to wrestle at any wrestling company they want, after the 90-day Non-Compete agreement is over. So I am going to predict that Melina will go to Impact wrestling and become Knockout Champion with the help of Karen Jarrett. Chris Master, DH Smith and Vladimir Kozlov also have a chance to wrestle elsewhere, but I don’t see them reaching Impact Wrestling anytime soon.


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